Port Hedgewars to webOS?

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Fluff Blue
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I simply love webOS. It's very buggy, but seriously, a $99 tablet? I'll take three please.

Can we make Hedgewars for webOS? I know a lot of us out there would appreciate it.

P.S. Since it uses web technologies, we could then take the webOS code and make a Hedgewars web app or Chrome app.

bananaoomarang's picture
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Porting Hedgewars to Javascript would be a long, hard task. You'd be better off using WebOS' native SDK.

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nemo's picture
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But, doing an HTML5 port is on my list of things I'd like to do Smile

We are making some slow progress on the things that would be needed...

Although I'm not sure how good webOS' support for WebGL is, if any.

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nemo's picture
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You know there *is* an HTML5 port already ☺
Just a bit out of date right now. Needs some love.

Crosscompiled using emscripten.

Pascal → C (using haskell) → LLVM → ASM.js

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Can you give me a link? If i rememeber - I saw hedgewars web client (a lot of time ago)

If you are looking for a complete detailed instructions browse the links below :

Hope this helps you.

sheepluva's picture
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I think what he meant was http://hedgewars.org/hwjs/ - the hedgewars javascript demo.

It doesn't work anymore I think though.

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nemo's picture
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Sheepluva is right. The demo is slightly out of date in the APIs it uses so needs to use a browser from that period.
The work to make the demo work in recent browsers is minor, but no one has gotten around to doing it.

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I cannot really help here with the developement, as much as I would like. Though, I would love to see an Hedgewars webapp: aside from WebOS it should also be working on Firefox OS (where webapps are "native"), Tizen and Ubuntu Touch (both of which support webapps, I am pretty sure). Also, via Firefox Marketplace, it would work on any platform running the Firefox Browser (so in particular Windows, OS X and Linux).

The above mobile platform are all new and have little market share, but things may change in the near future. Also, on this platforms Hedgewars would be a "killer app", since they miss all of the fancy games Android and iOS have.

To sum up, porting Hedgewars to webapp is surely a huge task, but it would be awesome! Smile

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Most of the porting work has been done. What we need is someone to spend the time in the grunt work of updating at this point. So, not that huge a task I think... But kinda timeconsuming.

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If Hedgewars HTML5 ever sees the light, I'll be happy to help playtesting it!

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