MOD [Modern Hogwars 0.9] Teaser ( Awesome mod coming soon)

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Izack1535's picture
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I felt kinda bored so i decided to post what i've been working on for the past week. Modern Hogwars 0.9 replaces the sprites and sounds for HW. Brings new interesting gameplay. Release of this mod is expected around 25th November. Note: Nemo locked me in his basement and force me to do this.

[update] 20th November -
- the mod is done about 55%

User offline. Last seen 12 weeks 6 days ago. Offline
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Looks good! Did you do the sprites yourself?

You don't really need to bother with new gameplay though, sounds and graphics is enough content in itself. If you have ideas for modes, submit them separately. Smile

Izack1535's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 years 27 weeks ago. Offline
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claymore allegedly wrote:

Looks good! Did you do the sprites yourself?

You don't really need to bother with new gameplay though, sounds and graphics is enough content in itself. If you have ideas for modes, submit them separately. Smile

Yes, I sprite myself, from scratch Aghh except for some,
but my spirit went down for a moment when .17 came out. I look at the new sprite i had to do, I felt down. But i decided not to go with the flow until the time comes, ( RC and Plane don't change colour based on team, just like in .16). If I get good response from the community, my work will be done faster. Wink Smiley

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Nice, call it Hogs Wars Big Grin

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Hermes's picture
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Nice cant wait to try it out

User offline. Last seen 7 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
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Wow, this is really amazing Smile Can't wait to play it!

Izack1535's picture
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