Pause ideas.

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Method of starting poll/votes/pause:

Chat commands.
For example You type: "/pause" into the chat and it starts a poll/pauses it or whatever.

Or if you want to vote or pause for a certain time you type: "/pause_60"(For 60 seconds. You replace the 60 with however many seconds you want to pause/vote on pausing it for).

You might want to make a limit of course so you don't pause it for too long.

Easier to make (I think). No new hotkeys or anything.

Cons: Not really any major cons unless you forget how to spell pause.
Wink Smiley

Key pause
Hold down a certain key for 5 seconds. Probably P. Starts a poll/whatever method below says.
It would be easy to make, people would like it, and it would be easy to do no matter what.

Might not be as easy as I think it would be, and its still possible you could set it off on accident.

Host pause
Only host can pause. Does it from lobby same way he can kick players mid game.


Some host would be selfish/a jerk. Wouldn't work with some Methods below.

Method 1.
Any player may choose to pause. Each player gets a set amount of time they can pause. (EG 90 seconds. Maybe changes depending on amount of teams/players.)
When A METHOD FROM ABOVE IS ACTIVATED then the game will pause when:
A. When the current opponents turn is over
B. If its the player who wants to pause the game's turn.
C. If its nobody's turn or in between turns.

Method 2.

CHOOSE METHOD FROM ABOVE TO START A POLL. If you click the 9 key then you vote YES to pause the game. If you hit the 0 key you vote NO to pause the game.
If a certain percentage of the players vote YES then the game pauses for 90 seconds. Percentages %70-%100 If a poll has been denied then you cant make a poll start again for X minutes. (2 minutes?)

Method 3.
Only host can pause. Does it from lobby same way he can kick players mid game.

Method 4.
Each player gets one/two pauses per game. he may pause only at the end of someones turn/on his turn. Each pause is worth 90 seconds. "Maybe be able to set it up so you can use one pause after another even if you are afk? Decide how many pauses each players gets depending on how many teams there are?

Side suggestions:

AFK flag:
If you hold down the K key for 5 seconds you are considered AFK, until you tap the K key. If you are afk your turns only last 5 seconds. AFK players may not vote for pauses. AFK players are not considered parts of percentages/votes/polls.

Pause restrict:
Host may choose whether pausing is allowed or not. A symbol appears next to the rooms name in lobby to say that pausing is allowed. (the host can not change whether pausing is allowed mid game)

AI control:
Kind of like the AFK flag, you can click an afk button except instead of skipping your turns, an AI player controls your turns while your gone. You would need to make it so you couldn't do this in the MIDDLE of your turn, and that the computer is like level two/three. If you did this you would need to improve the AI a little bit for modes other than default. Also you would need to make sure you don't do a level 5 computer because they never miss the long range shots. Then you could just go afk when you know you need to do a long range shot next turn. also you could only go AI controlled twice a game. Maybe even only once. Then your turns aren't wasted while you're gone. You should be able to come back mid turn, but only while your hedgehog is touching the ground. Otherwise if you come back mid UFO/rope you could easily crash. This would not be in addition to pause, this would replace pause.

Comment and tell me what you think of these ideas! Big Grin

Star and Moon
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Polls would be kind of annoying because A, I just want to play a game, not vote every time someone wants to pause! B, If we enable AFK mode, then it would be stupid to have polls or something like that just to pause. Besides, if there was to be a poll for voting, it would have to pause the game in the first place so everyone could vote. Sad Smiley

I kind of like the idea of the having the host pause, but if he's an annoying host, he could pause it and let us stand there forever thinking he's gonna come back even if he isn't, but that would only be a problem if you couldn't quit/type while he is gone for whatever reason, but even still, it would be like it's lagging when everyone still wants to play.

I like AFK mode a bit, but what if your still AFK when the game ends? Maybe it could auto-kick you, but that would be kind of annoying...

AI control: no, just no.

Well, it's all kind of complicated just for a measly little pause, so it's really pointless.

so, no.

User offline. Last seen 11 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

Polls would be kind of annoying because A, I just want to play a game, not vote every time someone wants to pause! B, If we enable AFK mode, then it would be stupid to have polls or something like that just to pause. Besides, if there was to be a poll for voting, it would have to pause the game in the first place so everyone could vote. Sad Smiley

I kind of like the idea of the having the host pause, but if he's an annoying host, he could pause it and let us stand there forever thinking he's gonna come back even if he isn't, but that would only be a problem if you couldn't quit/type while he is gone for whatever reason, but even still, it would be like it's lagging when everyone still wants to play.

I like AFK mode a bit, but what if your still AFK when the game ends? Maybe it could auto-kick you, but that would be kind of annoying...

AI control: no, just no.

Well, it's all kind of complicated just for a measly little pause, so it's really pointless.

so, no.

The play goes on while you vote for pausing. Thats why I chose keys to vote that does not involve play at all. That way you can still play while voting. A pause feature IMO would be very helpful in some cases. (Says me sibling of 8. I have to leave to help alot lol. :P) But anyways I think the AI things would be possible to make without making easy to "cheat". Wink Smiley

Star and Moon
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Samuelfrost4 allegedly wrote:
The play goes on while you vote for pausing. Thats why I chose keys to vote that does not involve play at all. That way you can still play while voting.

But even still, having a big poll window pop up alot would be annoying.

I allegedly wrote:
I like AFK mode a bit, but what if your still AFK when the game ends? Maybe it could auto-kick you, but that would be kind of annoying...

Hmm... I guess AFK mode works :l.

Have you thought about what it should do if you're still AFK when the game ends? The best thing would probably be to auto-kick you, but if your going to be gone that long, why don't you just quit?

It all just looks needlessly complicated just for a pause...

Having the host be able to pause only probably is a good idea, as long as you can chat/quit while its paused, whatever works.

User offline. Last seen 11 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

Samuelfrost4 allegedly wrote:
The play goes on while you vote for pausing. Thats why I chose keys to vote that does not involve play at all. That way you can still play while voting.

But even still, having a big poll window pop up alot would be annoying.

I allegedly wrote:
I like AFK mode a bit, but what if your still AFK when the game ends? Maybe it could auto-kick you, but that would be kind of annoying...

Hmm... I guess AFK mode works :l.

Have you thought about what it should do if you're still AFK when the game ends? The best thing would probably be to auto-kick you, but if your going to be gone that long, why don't you just quit?

It all just looks needlessly complicated just for a pause...

Having the host be able to pause only probably is a good idea, as long as you can chat/quit while its paused, whatever works.

Maybe auto light you? lol. However if you were going to have a fair pause it might need to be a little complicated. Wink Smiley

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