Mini-Shoppa Tournament .

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Dont spam !

hayaaa Wink Smiley) ! best team ever! Smile

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Ok, what the hell, I will play too.

Venga, al final soy gilipollas y jugaré aunque no tenga tiempo.

Castell's picture
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Pero una cosa, ¿vamos a jugar con las reglas de shoppa de ahora o las viejas? Quiero decir si las armas que no se usen quedan guardadas o no. Porque yo prefiero jugar si las armas se guardan. Es que le da una dimensión mucho menos aleatoria y estratégica al juego. Por ejemplo el bate de beisbol, es perfecto para guardarlo para una ocasión especial donde puedas matar a dos erizos usando uno como bomba.

La nueva versión hace que sólo puedas usar el arma que te sale en el turno, y eso es una mierda.


But one thing, are we going to play with the old rules of shoppa or the new ones? I mean if the weapons that we don't use will disapear or not after that turn. Because I prefer to play with the old rules, with the keeping weapons set. The game is more strategical and less random if we can keep the weapons that we don't use. For example the baseball bat, is perfect to keep it for a special occasion where you can kill 2 hogs using one as a hogbomb.

In the new version we only can use the weapon that appears in the box of that turn, and that sucks.

Randy's picture
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Castell allegedly wrote:
But one thing, are we going to play with the old rules of shoppa or the new ones? I mean if the weapons that we don't use will disapear or not after that turn. Because I prefer to play with the old rules, with the keeping weapons set. The game is more strategical and less random if we can keep the weapons that we don't use. For example the baseball bat, is perfect to keep it for a special occasion where you can kill 2 hogs using one as a hogbomb.

In the new version we only can use the weapon that appears in the box of that turn, and that sucks.

It's a good idea, but it's a little late to changed the Mode too. I'm Sorry, maybe the next one Smile

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Sing-up are closed, thx for the 20 players who signed-up, Good luck on Sunday! Have fun, Randy!

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so my first fight is with Bender?

hayaaa Wink Smiley) ! best team ever! Smile

Mystery's picture
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..sorry for that conflict..i know you wont tell me...but just want to know what happend :/

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I do a draw more fair, by azar just that Smile

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This thread is closed to comment please. I'll made a new one whit this name ''Games and demos--ShoppaTournament'' wich what you will upload the result of your game and in semi-finals and final the demos too! I'll be update after each round, so you can find your opponent there!

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Good Evening,

Good luck with this un-official mini tournament to you all.

best regards,


The PROT(Fart) team FTW!

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Thanks you. And the english is bad, but I made it for fun not for the government. Smile

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Castell vs Falkenauge


Winner: Castell

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asmo vs KIOFSPA


Winner: asmo

congrats Castell ;>

howgh !

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Is it to late to join? xD I leave for 3 months and now the tournament begins ><
EDIT: lol nvm just read the comment above this one


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Hey, you're back man! Hope you'll sing up for the next one.

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Missed *

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Randy when is the next one?

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Randy when is the next one?

First sunday of January 2012. It'll be A Tournament Team, that's mean 2v2.

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