TRUE or FAKE (new script) coders WANTED

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Mystery's picture
User offline. Last seen 12 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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I have ideas of making new scripts for next version of hedgewars.

So i need a coder to helps me Smile...i think i cant make it alone
thats why i need helps Big Grin

This about two crates in a of them is FAKE and other one is TRUE.
I named this script "TRUE or FAKE".. Punch!
Ammo Case Ammo Case
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-nice guy
-nice boy
-nice man
-experince on coding

mikade's picture
User offline. Last seen 49 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
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Not hard to implement. Pretty sure sdw195 already included something like this in one of his scripts.

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Hermes's picture
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This is actually an interesting idea Mystery Smile

cant wait to try it out in shoppa xD

Mystery's picture
User offline. Last seen 12 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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I'm still need CODER!!!.Anyone HELPS ME PLEASE!!! Aghh

mikade's picture
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Why not take a look at the API you've been working on? It isn't that horribly complicated and the community is relatively helpful when it comes to specific difficulties/questions you might have.

Also, if you familiarize yourself with basic scripting by making this mode, you may also find completing the task of updating the wiki a lot easier too. I imagine it must be hard to update something if you don't even understand it.

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Mystery's picture
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and there a new update..i mean new code.
The code that just a few person know this Big Grin

mikade's picture
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Not sure what you mean.

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Randy's picture
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- Do you want some one who can make your mode?

I think it'snt that hard. You can check out one of the already script in the games. Like Bazooca TRaining.lua and you write a new one.

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User offline. Last seen 12 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
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I already made something like this. i made 2 crates, 1 with data 1 without when a hog gets the crate with data on it the crate explodes, simple really Smile

Palewolf sheepluva: heh, havent noticed your donate button before
sheepluva Palewolf: is more of a "for science!" thing
Palewolf sheepluva: you know, one could do a lot more money if you pulled out a photo of a hedgehog and said you would eat it unless you get 10k dollars
sheepluva lol
Sdw195 heh
sheepluva well, as I said. it's more of a science thing
Sdw195 no eat if it he got 10k dollars
sheepluva I don't expect to get more than $1 this year
sheepluva max
sheepluva xD
Sdw195 heh
Palewolf sheepluva: your loss, my way you get to get at least one decent meal XD
Sdw195 hahha
Sdw195 rolf
sheepluva Palewolf: good point.. hmmmmmmm

Mystery's picture
User offline. Last seen 12 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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So shadow,do you still have that script?If you still have it,post it somewhere!

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