Fail? I think so!

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yellowcrash10's picture
User offline. Last seen 7 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2012-01-14
Posts: 20

Hello! I think I failed miserably with this theme I made. It's not quite done, but it has some problems, which you could probably tell as soon as you opened it Smile
If it wasn't for this thread, I would never have figured out the theme.cfg file.
And that part about only four colors? Forget that! Because my incomplete theme has 250! (Like I said, that thread saved me from lots of fail, before it was too late!)
Here's my fail theme, which is clearly about space! :3 (
Just click on "Download Original" in the top right to download.

Aww, man!

yellowcrash10's picture
User offline. Last seen 7 years 4 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2012-01-14
Posts: 20

And the reason why there isn't a screenshot for my total failure is because it doesn't even work in Hedgewars! Big Grin
lol, double smilies

Aww, man!

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