Rope/Water Crash Bug and f8 menu bug

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User offline. Last seen 12 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
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Hey there,

(disclaimer- this bug may be already reported but I looked and couldn't find it so excuse my ignorance if it has)

I'd just like to report a bug most pertinent to shoppa players-
In this new version we are getting copious amounts of local client in-game window crashes when a rope is used while entering water zones. This is mostly a problem on maps like Octorama, where it happens like 30 percent of games (when someone does the action)
The player who used the rope while falling into water is sent to lobby and everyone else gets a lag signal until said player leaves the room.
I couldn't reproduce the effect in single player offline mode.

Another bug is one i've experienced with the weapon menu.
Seemingly randomly, on a turn after using f8 to pick rope, the slide-out weapons menu fails to appear when pressing right click. instead you just see a tiny piece of it jump into the screen then back out again. pressing f8 again then right click allows the menu to work properly. This sucks for shoppa, where you just dont have time for that.

3. This is a feature suggestion- could we get a button that just scrolls through weapon equipped in the inventory in order? if there is already such a button which is it? lol

So again i hope this meets the right eyes, especially the water thing is really annoying for shoppa players.

Thanks for all the hard work, love this game Smile
Happy shopping


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iwentthere allegedly wrote:

Hey there,

(disclaimer- this bug may be already reported but I looked and couldn't find it so excuse my ignorance if it has)

I'd just like to report a bug most pertinent to shoppa players-
In this new version we are getting copious amounts of local client in-game window crashes when a rope is used while entering water zones. This is mostly a problem on maps like Octorama, where it happens like 30 percent of games (when someone does the action)
The player who used the rope while falling into water is sent to lobby and everyone else gets a lag signal until said player leaves the room.
I couldn't reproduce the effect in single player offline mode.

Next time it happens, please get demos and logs from both players.
Which version were you playing, 0.9.17?

iwentthere allegedly wrote:

Another bug is one i've experienced with the weapon menu.
Seemingly randomly, on a turn after using f8 to pick rope, the slide-out weapons menu fails to appear when pressing right click. instead you just see a tiny piece of it jump into the screen then back out again. pressing f8 again then right click allows the menu to work properly. This sucks for shoppa, where you just dont have time for that.

Never seen this. Could be simply your mouse is sending two clicks.

iwentthere allegedly wrote:

3. This is a feature suggestion- could we get a button that just scrolls through weapon equipped in the inventory in order? if there is already such a button which is it? lol

... shoppa players...
just memorise the weapon slots or else pound a few F keys... this has no utility otherwise.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 12 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
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Thanks for your response, Nemo!

I have a log report and demo from an instance of the water/rope bug, but I'm not sure how to get it to you. Actually it's incredibly easy to reproduce on your own, as it happens in every single instance. Just go to the online matchmaking interface, start a game (even with yourself with 2 teams), jump into the water and deploy rope right before you enter it.
The game window will crash and leave you in the lobby, whilst everyone else in the game remains with a lag indicator until you've left the room.

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Again, which version were you playing?
I tried repeatedly to reproduce, without success.
Demo or save please. Post it to the site with all the others, or attach it to a bug report on
One of the two should have been created.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 12 years 13 weeks ago. Offline
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Sorry about that, the OS is mac osx 10.5.8
I just made official issue report on the google code site.
Hope you take a look, and please keep making pre-snowleopard updates!
Thanks Nemo Smile

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iwentthere allegedly wrote:

Sorry about that, the OS is mac osx 10.5.8
I just made official issue report on the google code site.
Hope you take a look, and please keep making pre-snowleopard updates!
Thanks Nemo Smile

He never said anything about OS. He wants to kn ow what version the game is. It should be in window title. Something like 0.9.17 or 0.9.18

@Nemo: here's a .17 replay: I was unable to reproduce it in .18

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You can't reproduce it because I already fixed it in .18 and closed the bug that was filed Wink Smiley

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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