I will always be against

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User offline. Last seen 10 years 24 weeks ago. Offline
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According to SOPA, if you download a song of Michel Jackson, you will get 5 years of a prison. It is one year longer, which were given to the doctor who is suspected to kill him. So, it is cheaper to kill musicians...

And what does the Hedgewars community do in protest against SOPA and PIPA?

While such programs which send unencrypted data to the Internet exist, are developed and supported, innocent children and openhearted human beings in China, the USA and some other countries will be attacked by retarted politic systems and have their lifes broken. Crying in prisons or under bullets of executioners, they will damn those who endangered their freedom or did not warn them about the threat.

Excuse my emotions, please, but sometimes you meet something which you hate to the backbone.

There are some happenings when police arrested citizens for their jokes in the Internet. Since I like to talk with my opponents playing Hedgewars on the public server, especially when I play with my friends, I can not be sure that in a few minutes I will not hear a knock at the door.

What if Hedgewars be the first game where all of the data transmissions be strongly encrypted?

Mystery's picture
User offline. Last seen 12 years 34 weeks ago. Offline
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SOPA got no reason to arrest who downloading MJ's songs.May i have the link for it?Please.

User offline. Last seen 10 years 24 weeks ago. Offline
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Mystery allegedly wrote:
SOPA got no reason to arrest who downloading MJ's songs.May i have the link for it?Please.


The law would expand existing criminal laws to include unauthorized streaming of copyright material, imposing a maximum penalty of five years in prison.

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Ushanka! STOP SOPA ! ! !

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In Russia, we download all the shit we want just by using Tor, and there is no such thing as personal IPs, they are all more or less anonymous. Even if you signed a contract with ISP for a dedicated channel, they can't sue you for downloading smth through it because your responsibility cannot be proved. Your responsibility can only be proved when you make money using pirate content, then you are guilty.

Have a melon.

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