50 Signatures for the old Shoppa mode

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50 or more Signatures for a "Yes" of Tiy' to change to the old Shoppa Mode. Big Grin

(I don't know if Tiy will change of mind)

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Star and Moon
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If you don't like the new shoppa, then you can just make your own scheme with the original rules, so it really doesn't matter in the first place.

User offline. Last seen 4 years 51 weeks ago. Offline
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My signature. ¿why not an old shoppa in styles?

To Star and Moon: that's not the point. The idea is that if its not an default mode, the old mode will be forgotten.

User offline. Last seen 4 years 51 weeks ago. Offline
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In modes i mean

Star and Moon
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User offline. Last seen 9 weeks 19 hours ago. Offline
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Please don't double post >:[

Old shoppa being forgotten? Why should that be a problem? There are MANY people who know the old shoppa. And many people still use it online, it's not that hard to make it yourself, just copy the shoppa scheme and disable weapons reset.

Really, you're fussing about nothing.

EDIT: Besides, Tiy has always wanted shoppa this way, it just couldn't be changed until the feature itself was added. Also, Tiy doesn't work on hedgewars that much anymore, and might never see this. So there's really no point to it.

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