Teaser "biweekly game type"
Mon, 2012-02-13 03:29
board of BRW?
terrified of shoppa?
wonder about all those other styles but the AI is no fun?
then maybe you should try biweekly game type!!! (tentative title)
biweekly game type will give players an opportunity to try something new
here is how it works
on Friday I reveal the settings
(style + scheme + map + weapons + team# + hog#
(not all fields will always be filled))
then (hopefully) rooms with "BWGT" in there names will use those settings
please help me come up with a better name
edit :new name FLARE see below, please give me suggestions for settings
HD or DH for hedgewars discovering
thinks it is a good idea
it won't be restricted to existing type ? for example if a player "made" a scheme/type and if it is good, will it be in the type you'll give ?
thanks for the suggestion but i think i came up with something better
"FLARE" cause it's hot & brief
answering you question I think it would be necessary for the mode to be accepted as DRM to make installation simpler
edit: reread your comment, new schemes and weapon schemes are fine, i was referring to new scripts
Why don't you just post them right now? Have you only a concept, and you're just posting about it here with vague promises of more in the future? You don't even have proof that you have a concept. All you're doing is hyping nothing. And why are you talking about getting it into the DRM if you haven't even showed the game to anyone yet, much less gotten feedback.
CACP Founder
i can tell you just can't wait one more day :P
??? proof that I have a concept???? don't get excited if you don't think i have one :P
the only thing that i'm saying will be in DRM is any script that will be considered (and isn't bundled in the default install)