New Scheme WXW
Sun, 2012-03-18 17:18
Hi guys , i've created a new scheme and a map very nice to play.Rules are the same as Shoppa scheme + infinite zook but you have to touch all walls before attack someone. It's name WXW. Please don't steal me , just play it and have fun with others. I hope lot of people will enjoy it
Here is the map:
I hope MRM will script it as he said to me.
and the v2 because of bad pixels...
CACP Founder
Dude seriously...?
I didn't want to mention this but the line "Please don't steal me" annoyed me...
This is just blatant copying of worms (which i don't mind) but you're taking credit for it.
(I know it's not appreciated when when W**** is mentioned here but i thought this was just unfair, sorry)
Right, Cheeze!
please add your xfire accountname here:
Pfff all players of worms already play this scheme. I said don't steal me because i was working on scripted part on this scheme. I never steal any maps or scheme , it just don't exist on this game and it's fun so i wanna people enjoy it!
Basicly , wxw is touching walls , so lot of maps are the same but i don't think i've copied any map .If you search a bit on this website , you can find some womrs map i've made before , so have fun! Btw i understand what you mean by annoying and i respect it.
(Sorry for my bad english..)
Man, this is open source, so noone can steal ANYTHING!!!!
If i want to play WXW and want to make and share a map i will take your script!
Noone asked me if he can integrate my script of roperace into the game, i didnt do it all alone, but a big part of it.
please add your xfire accountname here:
I got the dev version of 9.18 the other day, and WXW is in it. (as a script, not the map)
Yeah, that would be my doing. While the obvious inspiration for this mode is W.rms, I tried to create something slightly more dynamic/useful. You can use the mode to play Attack-From-Rope, Surf and Crate, Wall-To-Wall and any combination of those on any map. Development version should support smaller map-sizes, extra pre-loaded walls for some specific shoppa maps, as well as pre-loaded configs for them (i.e. dont set surfer by default on Ropes, but do set it for Islands).

Hedgewars Developer
Can you document all the features? I was playing around with it, and, frankly, I was overwhelmed with what the options did.
CACP Founder
I got the WXW script from DLC. So who put it in DLC?
nice scheme anyway jan
Rope Brothers Founder