Random Wallpaper

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bub's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi! I just really wanted to make a wallpaper like this, yeah ik its super pointless haha. I just noticed that people type "..." into a speech bubble often when they are about to be blown to bits. I just thought it was funny, so I wanted to make a parody out of it. Big Grin It's pretty minimalistic. Feel free to use it xD

Uncharted's picture
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Nice Big Grin

bub's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
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Thanks ;D

nemo's picture
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So, the ... is a mild easter egg poking fun at a certain dev's response to stuff that he finds annoying/stupid.

It has an advantage that an empty bubble is set to that instead, so it is pretty fast to type when you're about to die.
'' or "" or -- is only 4 keystrokes including the t and [enter]


Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

bub's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
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So, the ... is a mild easter egg poking fun at a certain dev's response to stuff that he finds annoying/stupid.

whaaa??? xD

shadowzero78's picture
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I don't think he is making fun of anyone in particular. I have actually seen many people do the ... bubble thing. Now on a related note, that image is very simple yet very awesome.
me likes Big Grin


bub's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
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Thank you Shadow; I would never target 1 person and make fun of them. I don't even know the dev nemo is speaking of. As I said, many players do this during the game. Also, I'm glad you like it Big Grin! Thanks!

nemo's picture
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bub allegedly wrote:

Thank you Shadow; I would never target 1 person and make fun of them. I don't even know the dev nemo is speaking of. As I said, many players do this during the game. Also, I'm glad you like it Big Grin! Thanks!

I phrased it badly.
"..." is such a rich phrase w/ so many uses by dev in particular.
Shows the universe is not aligning itself w/ your desires.
That you were unpleasantly surprised.
That you were struck speechless by something or other that was just beyond words.
Plus, he doesn't talk as much as I do anyway :-p

It think it fits well for this usage.
Besides, it was just at the time we had a running joke about the ellipses of death Smile

It has caught on anyway, I find myself using the ... too in chat w/ people.

Anyway, for the game it is nice, 'cause it is a fast and wordless response Big Grin

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

szczur's picture
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It's my wallpaper from straight up. I love it!

Press any key to continue, or any other key to cancel.

bub's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
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Besides, it was just at the time we had a running joke about the ellipses of death

Lmao I wish I was there xD

It's my wallpaper from straight up. I love it!

Thanks man! I'm glad you are using it! Big Grin

seana11's picture
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Added this to the fanart page.

CACP Founder

bub's picture
User offline. Last seen 10 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
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Added this to the fanart page.

Thanks Seana Big Grin

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