a question about the legality of the game ( mostly for developers )

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User offline. Last seen 5 years 37 weeks ago. Offline
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so you know how hedgewars is a cool open source clone of worms so i was wondering how much is it legal to do it? did the developers of worms contacted you in anyway or asked you to stop developing hedgewars?
the reason im asking this is because i think about progamming an open source clone of heroes of might and magic 3 and im not sure if its legal and all my work will go for nothing....

so yeah thats pretty much my question thanks for any helper Big Grin


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FadeONE allegedly wrote:

so you know how hedgewars is a cool open source clone of worms so i was wondering how much is it legal to do it? did the developers of worms contacted you in anyway or asked you to stop developing hedgewars?
the reason im asking this is because i think about progamming an open source clone of heroes of might and magic 3 and im not sure if its legal and all my work will go for nothing....

so yeah thats pretty much my question thanks for any helper Big Grin

Does it look like worms? No. Does it borrow concepts? Yes. Does it borrow code? No. If you only borrow concepts, you'll be fine.

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User offline. Last seen 5 years 37 weeks ago. Offline
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is this for sure? cuz i really dont want to deal with something illegal :S


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FadeONE allegedly wrote:

is this for sure? cuz i really dont want to deal with something illegal :S

Don't copy code or artwork, and you'll be fine.

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okay than... thanks Big Grin


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So yeah I saw some worms shoppa map in Hedgewars. So if they put that in the official DLC does that mean we are screwed?

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Izack1535 allegedly wrote:

So yeah I saw some worms shoppa map in Hedgewars. So if they put that in the official DLC does that mean we are screwed?


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I dont think that there are official shoppamaps in Worms, all Worms shoppamaps ive seen are made by the community.

please add your xfire accountname here:

User offline. Last seen 10 years 37 weeks ago. Offline
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Who ever made this game is a fuckwit they just copyed worms nothing original... whole layout is the same they whole concept is the same ect ect ect... Even artworks and texture in this game look like mimics of Worms Armaggeddon.

There is nothing Original about this game its pathedic how its copyed worms layout 100%

I say this to Hedgewars Players Join the Worms Armaggeddon community and boycot this plagerism.

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seana11 allegedly wrote:

Does it look like worms? No. Does it borrow concepts? Yes. Does it borrow code? No. If you only borrow concepts, you'll be fine.

That is hilarious. How does this not look like worms?

Look at the wind meter, red triangles in bottom right hand corner. Health bars and timer in same place. It's also completely copied the the forest terrain and background. That is not "borrowing concepts" that is a flat out copy and I would be surprised if your claims held up legally since anyone with eyes can see it's a blatant rip off.

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The only one he has a point on is the UI similarity. Of course, lots of games in the same genre use very very similar UI.
It is a convenience. Big deal. Unless they have a trademark or a copyright on indicating wind direction in that fashion, who cares.
And if they did, could haul out one of the other sprites - there's been some variants created, but, none ended up in-game. Good chance it would end up looking better.
The forest theme is completely new, a collaborative work between a couple of artists, and has no similar textures.


Is hard to make nature scenes drawn in a bubbly cartoon style not look a bit similar.
Of course there are a lot of other themes. Only some could be said to have a bit of similarity.
Art Bamboo Bath Blox Brick Cake Castle Cave Cheese Christmas City Compost CrazyMission Deepspace Desert EarthRise Eyes Freeway Golf Halloween Hell Island Jungle Nature Olympics Planes Sheep Snow Stage

Nearly 30, made by many different people (would be more than 30 'cept a couple of the ones that didn't meet contributing artist quality standards aren't in-game)

I'm inclined to call troll on these guys.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Of course they are trolls. xD


Here is the source of this evil (and ignorant) plan.

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oinky allegedly wrote:

Of course they are trolls. xD


Here is the source of this evil (and ignorant) plan.

Heh. Should whine about Worms 1 being a Lemmings/Scorched Earth "ripoff"

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Thanks for the link, it was an amusing read.

pizzasheet allegedly wrote:
I already said i was trolling there forums, I really dont care. WA is the game for me...

This says it all.

Star and Moon
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pizzasheet allegedly wrote:

I say this to Hedgewars Players Join the Worms Armaggeddon community and boycot this plagerism.

Why do you want Hedgewars players to join? Why would someone who enjoys the game suddenly hate it because you claim it's a ripoff? It's a free game! We're not even making any money off of it.

I play Worms Armageddon too, and I enjoy it, and I also enjoy Hedgewars. Why can't you just enjoy a game that's similar to the game you enjoy so much instead of claiming it's a cheap ripoff?! But seriously, you're only hurting yourself.

Also, if Hedgewars is a rip-off, how come Team17, the makers of Worms, aren't doing anything about it?

And another thing, stare at both of these pictures closly and tell me they are the the same exact theme:

Now be nice or leave us alone, there's no way we're changing our mind.

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