come to Shoppa
We all begin playing Random Weapon, Crazy Mode, Highlander etc. Some of us finally, after masterize these modes, try the Shoppa mode. And maybe then we like it, even if our noobless make us losing every game. So we try again and again..
A lot of people here tried once or twice and they abandonned it, because some players laughed of their noobless. I always talk with the beginners and they all tell me the same thing: they dont want to try anymore cause the pros laughed of their skills. I would like to ask all the "shoppers" not to be like this with beginners. We were all noobs, remember
But I've abandonned the subject of my post, wait: Izack has uploaded my last Shoppa video, an special one, with crazy rare moves, "The Art of Shoppa", a video I would like use to let know Shoppa Mode to the other players. (unfortunately the song was copyrighted so the video maybe wont be viewed in Germany and Serbia)
Please try this mode and enjoy it guys!
sorry for my english btw
Rope Brothers Founder
Your movement in the video is awesome dude
# It's all about awesomeness
Ok Bufon I'll be nice with the n00bs :P
But seriously, I am usually nice with the and give them tips, but sometimes you have to accept they make very funny fails. No one should take it personally when other people laugh at their fails... they're just funny.
And, nice video!
I only try not to die when I kill
thanks myst and radis! we all now is boring playing with a guy which takes all his round hangin on the rope and it makes no sense to attack him cause he will die falling, but i really think is a pity most people can't discover that mode because of their fear to be humiliated.. when i was a noob i didnt care and just wanted to learn, but we must give them the opoortunity, if we were kind with them the shoppa community could be much bigger! this is pathetic, i know amnd recognize all the shoppa players which play actually.. i know perfectly who is better than me and who is worse.. imagine if you could find every time you connect to the server new people kickin your ass. i like the people i play with but it would be nice you know? and of course they make funny fails and we can say "ouch" or "lol", but i dont accept people saying "lol so noob" or "go play some highlander dude, you hav nothing to do here" (i read this in a chat a few weeks ago)
Rope Brothers Founder

Well fuck...
But knowing bufon, I guess it's really cool vid...
lol Vanja dont worry Izack will upload the same video but with another song, ill post the link for you xD ALL FOR JAMIROQUAI you know
Rope Brothers Founder

Well, I've played shoppa for about one year but not very often. Probably this is the reason why I am still noob
Anyway, I am more and more motivated aspecially after watching your video - piece of art indeed
Who knows maybe some day my roping skills will give me a place in kingdom of shoppa
thanks kompleX! I think the trick to get more skills is just to forget about winning the game and trying just crazy stuff xD
Rope Brothers Founder

Ok Vanja here you got the video reuploaded
Rope Brothers Founder

Thanks all for liking the video
It means alot
I fail every round of every game almost and people still think im good, thats how easy it is to get out of the so called "Noob zone".
and the best thing is your skills brutaly grow when you stop caring about winnin stupid duels, look at you xD /blue we still waiting you to join youknowwhat/
Rope Brothers Founder