Rope-Case-Collecting Mission and Casualties Map

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bufon's picture
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hi guys, i have two favours to ask you cause im unable to make them..

first stuff, long time ago Joshua created Casualties Map and Theme but it doesnt work for some reason and i know more people asked for it to be reuploaded. i was wondering if someone could create that map again and upload it Big Grin unfortunately i know nothing about this so i cant create myself..

the other thing is about Shoppa again.. i watched an old post where a Roping Mission was created but there is no way to use it in this vesion. I d like to ask the devs to create a new one for us :s if possible. here you got the old post with the mission.. By the way, i ve realized that in missions we must play with the default controls, i use other keys cause i broke my space bar Shocking anyone could tell me how to change key controls for the missions?

help please!

and sorry for my english -.-

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sphrix's picture
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for the map i can do nothing

for the mission you speak the link seem broken ...(page not found)
i rememeber i found this one time
its a mission on ropes, you need to rope around the map for .... anyway the page explain it good

for the key control in mission you can : open the lua file of the mission and add/modify the fonction about control
(for this you need to know a little about lua :
and read other lua file of mission to understand better :p )

have fun :p

the beachs hogs surfin hedgewars

sphrix's picture
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you mean this page

the beachs hogs surfin hedgewars

bufon's picture
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Thanks clem! Lol Mikade said he'd prefer death instead of reading that file about lua but is the only one way u guess xD

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Star and Moon
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I may be able to redo the casualties map and theme, but it would probably take a really long time, so don't expect it now!

bufon's picture
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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

I may be able to redo the casualties map and theme, but it would probably take a really long time, so don't expect it now!

no problem star! thank you very much, it was a really original map and was a pity, take your time of course Big Grin

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bufon's picture
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sphrix allegedly wrote:

for the map i can do nothing

for the mission you speak the link seem broken ...(page not found)
i rememeber i found this one time
its a mission on ropes, you need to rope around the map for .... anyway the page explain it good

for the key control in mission you can : open the lua file of the mission and add/modify the fonction about control
(for this you need to know a little about lua :
and read other lua file of mission to understand better :p )

have fun :p

ok clem i have tried it, but mikade was right, someone give me a shot please Deagle! Aghh i give up on this Sad Smiley

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sphrix's picture
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hum, yes its very hard
i think i made a mistake when i spoke about space invasion lua, you should read tumbler lua
precisly line : 347 and 394 :

-- action keys
-- movement keys

394 is more interessant i think and luaAPI say somewhere :

This function is called when you press the high jump key.

so i think you can write something that say : when press X key --> action is fire weapon....

if you really want to do it you have to read and understand tumbler, cause in tumbler you have "new" key for exemple when you press precise, you shot fire or a barrel....

good luck if you want to do this Smile

the beachs hogs surfin hedgewars

bufon's picture
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o_____O i will try

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mikade's picture
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Ehh. Space Invasion / Tumbler etc. don't create "new" keys, they just create new effects based on existing keybinds/events. Unfortunately it's not possible via lua scripting to create a script that says "when you push G key, fire a rope".

What you guys really want is to be able to bind your default keys for missions/single-player. The devs know this is a requested feature ( but at present I don't think there is anyone passionate enough to work on it.

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