Generic hedgehogs (HW server problem)

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User offline. Last seen 6 years 19 weeks ago. Offline
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For some reason, whenever I play someone on the official server, their hedgehog names and hats do not show on my computer. They're all hedgehog 1, hedgehog 2, etc. even though I'm pretty sure they renamed and customized their team. Their graves do show up, though, to whatever they changed them as.

Anyone else having this problem and know the cause?

Star and Moon
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They're probably just using the default team, and there is a button on the keypad (I forget which one) that toggles the visibility of the hud over each hedgehog.

Try playing with more people, because it is common for people to use just the default team on the official server, if the problem persists, then it's actually a problem.

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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

They're probably just using the default team, and there is a button on the keypad (I forget which one) that toggles the visibility of the hud over each hedgehog.

Try playing with more people, because it is common for people to use just the default team on the official server, if the problem persists, then it's actually a problem.

No, I'm pretty sure they're not using the default teams. I've talked to them to confirm it, and even had one send over the saved demo of our battle. Their team names and chosen graves show up. It's the individual hedgehogs that don't.

I'll concede I've played with all of two people on the server, both of whom are friends of mine, but I know both of them customized their hedgehogs and for one reason or another I can't see said customizations.

nemo's picture
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AgonMouche, link to both your demo and his please.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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nemo allegedly wrote:

AgonMouche, link to both your demo and his please.

As requested:

My demo.


I didn't get Irritable Grecian's demo of my second match, so this will have to do.

(Warning: Match was 22 minutes and change, though I guess you only need to see the first few seconds. Lots of noob play on both sides, especially mine.)

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Can you try replicating this error on today's server please?

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:
there is a button on the keypad (I forget which one) that toggles the visibility of the hud over each hedgehog.


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nemo allegedly wrote:

Can you try replicating this error on today's server please?

My most sincere apologies for the late reply, I have been out of town and currently still am. I am accessing this site on my phone and do not have Hedgewars installed. I'll get back to online play on the 31st, and check if I am still having problems. Thank you for your patience and your responses.

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nemo allegedly wrote:

Can you try replicating this error on today's server please?

I'm having the same problem again and again. It's quite odd because I've had games with three or more players, in which I could see the teams of some players perfectly, but one player's team had all the default values (though he had actually customized it).

I have a replay and a game log of a match where I experience this problem, in case you're interested. (Note, however, that this was a 1v1 match).

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CheezeMonkey allegedly wrote:

nemo allegedly wrote:

Can you try replicating this error on today's server please?

I'm having the same problem again and again. It's quite odd because I've had games with three or more players, in which I could see the teams of some players perfectly, but one player's team had all the default values (though he had actually customized it).

I have a replay and a game log of a match where I experience this problem, in case you're interested. (Note, however, that this was a 1v1 match).

When was the last time it happened?
What would be really helpful is if someone would capture the output from the frontend.
In linux, you can do this by running:
hedgewars 2>&1 | tee ~/Desktop/hedgewars_log.txt

It would be good to get this for both sides in the match when the problem happens, but the side with the problem might be enough.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Radissthor's picture
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Hi all,

So, this bug is becoming very common, and it sucks in terms on strategy because if players know which number your hogs are gonna play they can play accordingly, inflicting damage to the first hogs that are going to play.

Well, I just played a game with 5 players (or 6) and in it lollkiller and I were present. Both our teams (my team is Great Minds and loll's team was, erhm... well, I don't remember but I think it was green :P)
and the thing is that I saved the log file nemo asked. I have it on my computer and I think it could be useful because I was one of the players whose hogs name were shown as default names.

I googled a hedgewars bug report but I only found bug reports for other OS which were related to hedgewars.

Nemo, where should I send the log file?

EDIT: I found the bugreport... didn't think of looking at the forum ¬¬

Anyways, I reported the bug and uploaded the text log file here

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