honestly, we cant think in a title for this thread, what's the matter with some people...

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The Rope Brothers
The Rope Brothers's picture
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This is not bufon, ceko, falke or any of us, its all the Rope Brothers.

We have heard these days some people dont like the creation of our brotherhood. Of course, its normal some people disagree or agree with our theory. We appreciate Radissthor argued his point of view here at forum, we like people speaking clear about his opinions.
But we dont understand some people (we wont say any name) tell other players that we are offensive, that we shouldn't even exist here.

We' d like to invite any fo these players to tell everybody here, us included, why they think we shouldnt exist...
Us, The Rope Brothers, created this brotherhood for only one reason: express a point of vue, which can be shared or not, like Radisshtor explained perfectly.

We respect any agree or disagree with our theory, but none of us will accept people get angry with this and speak bad about us without reason.

So we invite any of you to explain here which is the problem with us. We consider ourselves proudly like a shoppa-lovers group. We have never said we were pros (we dont choose our members by their skills), so there is no reason to speak the things that are being told about us. So go ahead please, what is wrong with us?

Bufon, Falkenauge, Cekoto, Lollkiller, Mystery, Hayaa, Hermes, Sami, Shadowzero, Amoedo, Lalo, Jakka, Izack1535 and javiersuarez.
"Art never improves, but . . . the material of art is never quite the same."

The Rope Brothers
The Rope Brothers's picture
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The Rope Brothers allegedly wrote:

This is not bufon, ceko, falke or any of us, its all the Rope Brothers.

We have heard these days some people dont like the creation of our brotherhood. Of course, its normal some people disagree or agree with our theory. We appreciate Radissthor argued his point of view here at forum, we like people speaking clear about his opinions.
But we dont understand some people (we wont say any name) tell other players that we are offensive, that we shouldn't even exist here.

We' d like to invite any of these players to tell everybody here, us included, why they think we shouldnt exist...
Us, The Rope Brothers, created this brotherhood for only one reason: express a point of vue, which can be shared or not, like Radisshtor explained perfectly.

We respect any agree or disagree with our theory, but none of us will accept people get angry with this and speak bad about us without reason.

So we invite any of you to explain here which is the problem with us. We consider ourselves proudly like a shoppa-lovers group. We have never said we were pros (we dont choose our members by their skills), so there is no reason to speak the things that are being told about us. So go ahead please, what is wrong with us?

Bufon, Falkenauge, Cekoto, Lollkiller, Mystery, Hayaa, Hermes, Sami, Shadowzero, Amoedo, Lalo, Jakka, Izack1535 and javiersuarez.
"Art never improves, but . . . the material of art is never quite the same."

User offline. Last seen 5 years 15 weeks ago. Offline
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Alright, since this was made a bit after our 'argument' yesterday, I thought you might be referring to me, so I'll be the first to reply here.

First off, I just want to say: Falkenauge, stop seeing everything as an attack on TRB. I don't have anything against you guys. All I did was, when you were arguing about TRB with someone, state that I don't particularly approve of TRB and that I wouldn't want to join it. Not that I hate it or anything along those lines. Ever since then, it seems like you see me as an 'Anti-TRB Fanatic', and view everything I say in a negative light.

Furthermore, the reason I sometimes (alright, more often than not) call you guys "The Rage Brothers", is because of the fuss the group has caused (either they themselves, or others in response to TRB). I always meant for it to be lighthearted, but if it bothers you, I'll stop.

Lastly, sorry about loosing my temper yesterday and for anything stupid and/or hurtful that I may have said.

Radissthor's picture
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If I might say something:

I don't think people hate the idea of the Rope Brothers... I mean, you are literally "not hurting anyone", so how can people be against you?

To be honest, I think your response (Bufon's response, more specifically) to my criticism in the earlier post was a bit exaggerated. I was giving my opinion and I received what I believe was a personal attack on me, while you could have just responded in a calm and objective way to my criticism.
I know it wasn't anything too serious, but still your responses to my comments made you guys look as if you couldn't take any criticism. Maybe that's why CheezeMonkey was jokingly calling you guys "the Rage Brothers".

This is unfair to you guys, because from all the member of TRB, Bufon was the only one that answered angrily, attacking me personally. So I agree that this shouldn't be generalized to all of the members. Still, you have to assume the consequences of your acts. If one of you had a bad day at work at posted angry posts on the forums on behalf of your brotherhood, then that's the image people will have of you, at least until this whole thing cools down.


I only try not to die when I kill

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Everyone needs to chill out :P We all have our opinions and it seems like no one is really "hating" on each other so what is this fighting even about? lol

The Rope Brothers
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Radissthor allegedly wrote:

If I might say something:

I don't think people hate the idea of the Rope Brothers... I mean, you are literally "not hurting anyone", so how can people be against you?

To be honest, I think your response (Bufon's response, more specifically) to my criticism in the earlier post was a bit exaggerated. I was giving my opinion and I received what I believe was a personal attack on me, while you could have just responded in a calm and objective way to my criticism.
I know it wasn't anything too serious, but still your responses to my comments made you guys look as if you couldn't take any criticism. Maybe that's why CheezeMonkey was jokingly calling you guys "the Rage Brothers".

This is unfair to you guys, because from all the member of TRB, Bufon was the only one that answered angrily, attacking me personally. So I agree that this shouldn't be generalized to all of the members. Still, you have to assume the consequences of your acts. If one of you had a bad day at work at posted angry posts on the forums on behalf of your brotherhood, then that's the image people will have of you, at least until this whole thing cools down.


This post, my dear Radis, was not created to let you express your deep ideas about sense of bufon's anrgryness..
Like i explained (maybe you didnt get it) it was created to ask people which said to other people things against us. Is thatyour case dear radistor? No? Then why cant you just be silent and let the people we ask for speak? You feel attacked again?
You got it Radis? Beacuse it seems to me you just you need to provocate again...

You like to analyze the other's comments, well if you analyzed yours maybe you discover a total absence of a real life.. Shocking ouch see Radis! That was an attack! Well i really think you deserve that one, i dont know you, but i thinl you are too much concerned about our Brotherhood, which would never accept someone like you, and you would never ask to join..
So why dont you just forget? Boring? go anywhere else, you are pissing me off now..

If you are a peace lover as much as you pretend us to believe then be quiet and stop attacking ME and the group. Maybe you dont remember you stupid arrogant, i aplogyzed a few days ago, in game and in forum. So i dont know how your mom educated you Radis, but people normally apologyzes and the other persons just let it go..
I perfectly know when i must to say sorry, and i always do. But you! Doin this, accepting my apologyzes before and now attackin me here.. Tryin to get attention dont you? Pathetic!
I still cant understand wtf is goin on with you, but eehm i dont care you know? Im just tryin to get some peace here..
But you cant!! Nope, your arrogance/need of attention makes you come to the same thing... Now its you who attack me Radis. I apologyzed, and i didnt asked you to apologyzes for being provocative, something that everybody could appreciate by reading your comments...
I didnt have a bad day now Radis, and you had no reason to come here to this post and insult me.. The image of the group.. What, you care about us now?
What the fuck is goin on with you? You dont like our brotherhood allright but then shut the fuck up and stop provocating, me and the group. If you need attention go look for it anywhere else.

Andd if you wanna answer this post, open one in SPANISH at forum, and we will talk de igual a igual, engreido..


Bufon, Falkenauge, Cekoto, Lollkiller, Mystery, Hayaa, Hermes, Sami, Shadowzero, Amoedo, Lalo, Jakka, Izack1535 and javiersuarez.
"Art never improves, but . . . the material of art is never quite the same."

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sami allegedly wrote:

Everyone needs to chill out :P We all have our opinions and it seems like no one is really "hating" on each other so what is this fighting even about? lol

TBH, I don't know really know either... I was hoping to stay out of it, but since the topic was made shortly after the previously mentioned "argument" I thought I should respond.
Looking at the response to Radissthor's comment above, I'm baffled as to why they get easily angered.

bufon's picture
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CheezeMonkey allegedly wrote:

sami allegedly wrote:

Everyone needs to chill out :P We all have our opinions and it seems like no one is really "hating" on each other so what is this fighting even about? lol

TBH, I don't know really know either... I was hoping to stay out of it, but since the topic was made shortly after the previously mentioned "argument" I thought I should respond.
Looking at the response to Radissthor's comment above, I'm baffled as to why they get easily angered.

you guys think we created TRB to insult you or something? we never did it. and we have this situation now because some people cant just let us be here.. if some players are frustrated thats noy our fault, there are many clans and stuff like this, we ware the only one criticized... we all know this is a game but that doesnt excuse some of you guys to behave like children..

Rope Brothers Founder

Blue's picture
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Yeah well my dad can beat up your dad ;P
You guys getting it now?

bufon's picture
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what i wont accept is to apologyze, to be apparentlyd forgiven and them be attacked.

Rope Brothers Founder

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bufon allegedly wrote:

CheezeMonkey allegedly wrote:

sami allegedly wrote:

Everyone needs to chill out :P We all have our opinions and it seems like no one is really "hating" on each other so what is this fighting even about? lol

TBH, I don't know really know either... I was hoping to stay out of it, but since the topic was made shortly after the previously mentioned "argument" I thought I should respond.
Looking at the response to Radissthor's comment above, I'm baffled as to why they get easily angered.

you guys think we created TRB to insult you or something? we never did it. and we have this situation now because some people cant just let us be here.. if some players are frustrated thats noy our fault, there are many clans and stuff like this, we ware the only one criticized... we all know this is a game but that doesnt excuse some of you guys to behave like children..

o.O when did cheeze or I ever say that you guys insulted us? I have no problem with trb...infact i am one of them remember? XD

The Rope Brothers
The Rope Brothers's picture
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OK this is way out of the image of this game and this brotherhood...

What are we trying to say is this..

We all love playing this game right ?
Some of us cuz the thrill by wining the game against the opponents in a duel, some of us cuz the crazy moves that hogs are able to do, some of us cuz the player Blue and guys like him, that ropes around the map like he is playing with magic, some of us enjoying the reaction from guys like soreau when he is loosing the game or failing and some of us cuz we dont have a smarter and better thing to do (what some persons say a real life)...

This brotherhood is made by guys who love roping! Bufon, Falkenauge and Cekoto are the guys that were always having fun during the shoppa games, no matter the mode, and they were always trying some new and creative moves. They always play for fun and they enjoy the game, not for the win!! Even when they were dueling between each other they make it on the risky side of the game, more fails but better to watch, an exibition game. So one night, during the game, these guys decided to create a brotherhood that will represent what they believe in: The freelancer roping, with great moves, speed and exibition, without stress! So they make a group, call it by a name that will represent them, and start making history!

After the few days of the creation of this brotherhood, some people were wondering what is the "TRB" in their nick names. When they found out there were diferent reactions. Some laugh out loud, some wanted to join them, some make stupid comments without sence about them and some were cold bloaded with no feelings about this brotherhood. And it is ok... Everyone have an opinion and should say it out loud.

One is for sure, this brotherhood will make history!!!

TRB greets you all!
Feel the rope and stay pro!!!

Bufon, Falkenauge, Cekoto, Lollkiller, Mystery, Hayaa, Hermes, Sami, Shadowzero, Amoedo, Lalo, Jakka, Izack1535 and javiersuarez.
"Art never improves, but . . . the material of art is never quite the same."

bufon's picture
User offline. Last seen 5 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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sami allegedly wrote:

bufon allegedly wrote:

CheezeMonkey allegedly wrote:

sami allegedly wrote:

Everyone needs to chill out :P We all have our opinions and it seems like no one is really "hating" on each other so what is this fighting even about? lol

TBH, I don't know really know either... I was hoping to stay out of it, but since the topic was made shortly after the previously mentioned "argument" I thought I should respond.
Looking at the response to Radissthor's comment above, I'm baffled as to why they get easily angered.

you guys think we created TRB to insult you or something? we never did it. and we have this situation now because some people cant just let us be here.. if some players are frustrated thats noy our fault, there are many clans and stuff like this, we ware the only one criticized... we all know this is a game but that doesnt excuse some of you guys to behave like children..

o.O when did cheeze or I ever say that you guys insulted us? I have no problem with trb...infact i am one of them remember? XD

Lol sami np we werent talkin about you Smile anyway uts all good now, cheeeze and i made peace

Rope Brothers Founder

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