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Star and Moon
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I think there should be achievements for hedgewars that maybe unlocks secret hat(s) or something.

Each one comes with it's own little picture, name and description, for example:

Water Polluter: Win a deathmatch by drowning all enemy hedgehogs.

Become a Legend: Compete against a Hedgewars developer and win.


Radissthor's picture
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I remember talking to someone at the server that it would be cool to have "ranks" or medals or something that shows your history of matches or stuff like that.

The problem we thought of was that it would be very difficult to control people simply making two teams and playing against themselves in the server, thus artificially increasing their status.

I don't know if anyone can think of a solution for this.

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To some degree all achievement systems have flaws.

Star and Moon
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I was bored so I decided to make more of these:

Looter: Collect 10 crates in a single turn.

Grave Digger: Win a Deathmatch without drowning any enemy hogs.

Flawless Victory: Come out of battle unscathed. (No hedgehogs dead)

Cake Walk: Finish the battle by celebrating with cake! (Win the match using the cake weapon)

Beat the Odds: Fight against odds and win. (Fight against a team that has more hedgehogs than you and win)

Rope Master: Kill a hedgehog using just the rope.

Inu's picture
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Try these:

Skillful - Win 100 (with 8 or more hogs ingame and 2 or more players involved) games without using the rope.

Forever together <3 - Push a hog into the water, and fall right behind it.

Deadly attraction - "Seduce" an enemy hog.

Hero from the past! - Win 100 rounds (with 8 or more hogs ingame and 2 or more players involved) using only grenades and rockets.

Honey, I'm home! - Kill a hog in the next turn after arriving from a TimeBox trip.

Is that... - Shoot a rocket from very far away and make a perfect shot on a hog.

Happy birthday! - Kill 500 hedgehogs using the cake weapon.

Sharing is caring - Drop a Mellon bomb between you and an enemy hog and don't move.

Warmup - Play 1001 games (shoppa and crazy don't count) online with other players to the end.

Dangling with my buddies - Play 101 Shoppa games (to the end).

FIREPOWER! - Play 101 Crazy games (to the end).

Noob-no-more - Complete the tutorial.

The real me! - Register a nickname on and successfully log in with it 15 different days.

Going pro - Bat an enemy into the water and make him drag another (enemy hog) on his way there.

Maybe this one? - Toogle between hogs 20 times (counts every time you activate the ability).

Shortsighted - Attack a hog less than "5 hogs distance" 750 times.

True failure - Fail an attack "5 hogs distance" or less 15 times.

Monkey business - Spend most of your turn grappled with the rope.

Hedgewars could easily have 100+ Achievements.

Star and Moon
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This shouldn't be fun, I don't know why this is so fun, WHY IS THIS SO FUN! AUUUGH!

Symphony Finale: Win the match with the Piano Strike

Bad Pianist: Lose the match by killing your last hedgehog(s) with your own Piano Strike

Don't Hog the Melon: Hurt 5 or more enemy hedgehogs with one melon bomb.

Diplomat: Play against people from 5 different countries online

Donkey Konged: Kill two hedgehogs by hitting them with a barrel.

Forever Together: Push a hog into the water, and fall right behind it

Portal Master: Kill a hedgehog using just the portal gun

Sneak Attack: Knock a hedgehog into the water that isn't facing you

Sugar Sugar: Kill two hogs in one turn with seduction

Classic Pro: Win a match using only Bazookas, Grenades and Mortars (Pro Mode).

Big Bang Theory: Deal over 1000 damage in one turn

Dishwasher: Fly underwater in the saucer, and come out alive.

Flying High: Fly off the screen and survive

Get Winded: Hit yourself or an ally because you forgot to adjust to the wind.

Water Physics: Skip a hedgehog across the water
Note: These are 85x85 so they can be used for avatars on this forum.

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Keep them coming! Even if they don't end up implemented, they're pretty funny to read about.

Star and Moon
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I was bored, so yeah more Acheivments:

Confusion: Mistake an ally for an enemy. (Attack a friendly hedgehog wearing the same hat as an enemy hedgehog. Team hats don't count)

Team Fury: Massacre all 8 hedgehogs from one team in a single turn.

Pro Sniper: Deal over 75 damage with one shot from the Sniper Rifle.

Tourney Winner: Be the winner of a tourney.

What's Up Doc?: Kill a hedgehog that has just returned from the Time Box.

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Make images For These
Mullet Time Weapon Beta Tester: Use A Beta Weapon
Don't Use Kamikaze: Lose by killing your last hog with Kamikaze
Judgment Day: Survive Until Sudden Death
Anti-What's Up Doc?: Kill a hedgehog with a hedgehog that just returned from the Time Box
Armageddon: Cause At Least 10000 Damage in one turn

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Star and Moon
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Another boredom stroke:

Alternative Fuel Source: Fly with the Sine Gun.

Aaaalways: Suffer attacks from a Unicorn.

Cryosleep: Stay frozen for 10 turns straight.

Death from Above Below: Shoot a Bazooka out of the water and hit a hedgehog.

Have you tried turning it off and on again?: Get a desync.

Sacrifice: Sacrifice yourself reviving a clanmate's hog.

Apocalypse Now: Complete the RC Plane Challenge.

Divine Intervention: Stick around for Judgement.

sheepluva's picture
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Hm, I think I'd like those achievements to be shown for players in the stats screen somehow.

As in - per-game achievements - instead of permanent ones Smile

That way even losing could feel a bit better Smile

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
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mikade's picture
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I think having an awesome little page to view all your achievements would be great (and some of these achievements are more suited to that purpose), but agree that it would definitely be good to have per-game achievements as well.

In another game, my friends and I always used to enjoy reading how Boggy turned a strange yellow colour. It was one of the highlights of any game to read the stats at the end of the match.

I know burp was interested in adding this kind of thing at one point.

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bowja's picture
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Some achievements, like Cake Walk and Sacrifice, could be per-game, while bigger ones, like Become A Legend and Apocalypse Now, could be shown in a special part of the menu permanently.

Confucius says: "Man who run in front of car get tired, but man who run behind car, get exhausted."

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Not sure about the per-game achievements but for sure we could give the a try.

Anyway Star the pics and description are really funny, keep them coming!

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Koda allegedly wrote:

Not sure about the per-game achievements but for sure we could give the a try.

Anyway Star the pics and description are really funny, keep them coming!

Maybe each per-game achievement you get gets you hedge coins used to buy hats and maps!

{} {}
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Star and Moon
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Bombardment from Above: Use all 4 airstrikes in a single match.

Earth's Prime Defense: Win a round of Space Invasion scoring 300 points or more.

Friendly Conversation: Start a conversation with the enemy.

Grave Danger: Mistake an enemy's grave for an ally's grave.

Hasta La Vista: Shoot a hedgehog with the shotgun at point blank.

Heavy Weapons Expert: Get a kill with every available weapon.

Strategic Mastermind: Accumulate 250 kills with 20 different weapons.

Kingly Killer: Kill 500 hedgehogs.

The Mighty Ducks: Complete Dangerous Ducklings without using the parachute or shoryuken.

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Hmm... What if achievements would suddenly pop out from the corner, blocking some weapons and wind meter? OK, I made some:
-Hot Hog: Use only fire weapons to win a match (hell grenade, cocktail, napalm, etc.)
-Bad Shopper: Inflict your hog over 50 damage by falling.
-Bombs?: Use Dynamite to inflict over 175 damage.
-No need for a doctor: Inflict enough damage to decrease the hog's HP to 1. (not with poison, mallet or sudden death)

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Chainsawplayin allegedly wrote:

Hmm... What if achievements would suddenly pop out from the corner, blocking some weapons and wind meter? OK, I made some:
-Hot Hog: Use only fire weapons to win a match (hell grenade, cocktail, napalm, etc.)
-Bad Shopper: Inflict your hog over 50 damage by falling.
-Bombs?: Use Dynamite to inflict over 175 damage.
-No need for a doctor: Inflict enough damage to decrease the hog's HP to 1. (not with poison, mallet or sudden death)

I think I've achieved all of those with the exception of Hot Hog. :P

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Star and Moon
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Chainsawplayin allegedly wrote:

-Hot Hog: Use only fire weapons to win a match (hell grenade, cocktail, napalm, etc.)
-Bad Shopper: Inflict your hog over 50 damage by falling.
-Bombs?: Use Dynamite to inflict over 175 damage.
-No need for a doctor: Inflict enough damage to decrease the hog's HP to 1. (not with poison, mallet or sudden death)

I made all those except for the last one, because I couldn't figure out what to have for its picture. Also I renamed most of them:
Hot Hog: Kill 2 hedgehogs using only fire based weapons.
Going Out With a Bang: Inflict over 175 damage using 1 stick of dynamite.
What's a Parachute?!: Fall during a round of shoppa and suffer 25 points of fall damage.
And two new ones:
Cozy Campfire: Use fire to unfreeze a clanmate's hedgehog.
Begging for Forgiveness: Revive the last enemy hedgehog you killed.

Wuzzy's picture
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I think Hedgewars is not really suited for an achivements-based system.
Achivements are usually kept throughout the entire gamer "career" and get boring once you've obtained them.

I am taking a different approach: There already is some kind of statistics system after a match, like "23 hogs died in this match", "Terminator X killed 7 hogs", "Hog 3 dealed 333 damage in one turn", etc.

Currently, it is nothing very spectacular. But why not extending this to some kind of awards (or trophy)-based system? You can get all sorts of trophies after the match for doing one skill the best of all (or worst) within that match.

Trophies go to clans (=colors, a clan may just be made of just one team) and awards go to single hedgehogs. Trophies and awards are only valid for one match (or game, or however you want to call it).
I will use abbreviations. “r” are the requirements for the award that determine who wins the prize, it’s always a superlative. “q” are qualifications for the prize, additional requirements that need to be fulfulled, however, these are not superlatives. All “r”’s and “q”’s must be fulfilled to win the prize. “n” are additional, informational notes.

You’ll notice that I formalized very much of the prizes. I made sure that ties are not possible.

Let’s start with the most basic and most important trophy:
Winner's trophy
r: Clan won the match.

Flawless victory trophy
r: Clan wins the match in which no of its own hedgehogs has been hurted or killed.
n: Any kind of received damage disqualifies for this trophy.
n: This is the highest trophy a clan can win.
n: Star and Moon does not call this “Flawless victory”.

Near-flawless victory trophy
r: Clan wins the match in which no of its own hedgehogs have died but at least one of its own hedgehogs have been hurted.
n: Star and Moon calls this “Flawless victory”.

Beating the odds trophy
r: Clan won the match and started with the single smallest number of starting hedgehogs of all clans.
n: formalized version of Star and Moon’s “Beat the Odds” achievement

Blood trophy
r: Clan dealt the most overall damage (on enemies). If it’s a tie (with another clan), the clan of which any of its hedgehogs hurted an enemy first (dealing damage or killing during its turn) wins.

Skull tropy
r: Clan killed the most enemy hedgehogs in the match. It it’s a tie, the clan who first killed an enemy wins.

Now to the awards:
Greediest Shopper
r: The hedgehog must have had collected the most weapon crates or utility crates throughout the match. If it’s a tie (in collected crates), the hedgehog who collected such a crate first wins
q: To qualify for this award, the hedgehog in question must have had collected at least three weapon crates or utility crates throughout the match

Mass Murderer Award
r: Most enemies killed throughout the match. If it’s a tie, the hedgehog who made the first kill wins.
q: At least five enemies killed

Rambo Award
r: Most enemy damage dealt throughout the match. If it’s a tie, the hedgehog who dealt any enemy damage first wins.
q: at least 200 enemy damage dealt

Best shot
r: Most enemy damage dealt in one turn. If it’s a tie, the hedgehog who dealt any enemy damage first wins.
r: at least 100 enemy damage dealt

Sonic Award
r: Had at some point the highest velocity. If it’s a tie (unlikely), the hedgehog who had it first wins.
q: A minimum speed (let’s call it sonic speed) must have been passed at some point in the match

Dracula Award
r: Gained most health due to vampirism (no matter if from friend or foe). If it’s a tie, the hedgehog who gained at least 1 health due to vampirism first wins.
q: at least 100*(100/DamagePercent) health gained due to vampirism

Best Speed-shopper
r: Most weapon crates or utilty crates collected in one turn. If it’s a tie, the hedgehog who collected a weapon or utilty crate first wins
q: At least three weapon crates or utility crates collected in one turn

Hog the Builder Award
r: Most girders built. If it’s a tie, the hedgehog who built a girder first wins.
q: at least three girders build

Award of Honor
r: killed most enemies with Kamikaze. If it’s a tie, most total Kamikaze damage counts. If that’s another tie, the hedgehog who used kamikaze first wins.
q: at least 3 enemies killed with Kamikaze
n: the name is both a pun of the name of the Medal of Honor and the great voicepack Ninja.

Professional Royal Assassins Society’s Award
r: killed all enemy kings ALONE
q: match has started with at least three kings
q: each team started with at least two hedgehogs
n: If at some point a king has been killed by another hedgehog, nobody wins this award.
n: If a king gets killed, then resurrected, then killed again by another hedgehog, nobody wins this award.

Eagle Eye Award
r: Most enemy damage dealt with the sniper gun. If it’s a tie, the hedgehog who hit an enemy with the sniper gun first wins.
q: At least 75 enemy damage dealt with sniper gun.
q: No misses: Every shot with the sniper gun must have dealt at least 1 enemy damage.

Healthiest Hedgehog
r: Had at some point the highest health. If it’s a tie, the hedgehog who collected the most heath crates wins. If its another tie, the hedgehog who collected a health crate first wins. If neither ever collected a health crate, nobody receives this award (unlikely).
q: Had at some point at least (StartHealth + 50) health

Necromancy Award
r: resurrected most hedgehogs in the match. If it’s a tie, most used health for resurrection wins. If it’s another tie, the hedgehog who used resurrection first wins.
q: at least three hedgehogs resurrected OR at least 70 health points used for all resurrections

Zombie Hunter Award
r: Killed the most resurrected enemy hedgehogs. It it’s a tie, the hedgehog who killed a resurrected enemy hedgehog first wins.
q: at least three resurrected enemy hedgehogs killed

Gunslinger Award
r: dealt most overall damage with shotgun and Deagle. If it’s a tie, the hedgehog who first dealt at least 1 enemy damage with a shotgun or a deagle wins.
q: at least 100 damage dealt with shotgun and Deagle

Poison Award
r: poisoned the most enemy hedgehogs in the match. If it’s a tie, the hedgehog who first poisoned an enemy wins.
q: at least three enemy hedgehogs poisoned

Fire Award
r: Spawned the most flames (permanent or not) in the match. If it’s a tie (unlikely), the hedgehog who spawned more permanent flames wins. If that’s another tie, the first hedgehog who spawned some flame first wins.
q: spawned a large amount of flames (I’m unsure how many exactly).
n: A “spawned” flame is a flame that appeared in its own turn. It does not matter how it spawned. It may be from a molotov cocktail, a hellish handgrenade or even a barrel.

Ice Award
r: most enemy hedgehogs frozen (with the ice gun) throughout the match. If it’s a tie, the hedgehog who froze an enemy first wins.
q: at least 4 enemy hedgehogs frozen throughout the match

Water Award
r: Caused most enemies to drown (during its turn). If it’s a tie, the hedgehog who caused an enemy to drown first wins.
q: Caused at least three enemies to drown (during its turn)

Now for some “bad” awards (Hedgehogs wouldn’t want to win them):

Biggest Traitor of the Match
r: most treacherous hedgehog. If there is a tie, the first hog being treacherous wins.
n: Treacherousness is determined by the damage caused on hedgehogs of this own team, excluding itself. On any attacks where it hurted itself, too, the caused damage does not count.
q: at least one friend killed during a turn without hurting any enemies or itself.

Darwin Award
r: died in its own turn
and received the most damage in that turn
and did not die tue to its own Kamikaze or Piano Strike. If it’s a tie in damage, the hedgehog who died first wins.
q: at least 50 health were lost in the fatal turn

Inspector Clouseau Award
r: dealt itself the most damage throughout the match but did not die in its own turn. If it’s a tie in damage, the hedgehog who hurted itsself first, wins.
q: lost at least 50 health points in its own turns added together
n: I’m not sure if I spelled the name correctly …

Award of Dishonor
r: made a kamikaze which dealt no enemy damage and which killed no enemies and which killed the most friendly hedgehogs. If it’s a tie in most friendly hedgehogs killed, the hedgehog who dealt the most overall friendly hedgehog damage with kamikaze wins. If that’s another tie, the hedgehog who used kamikaze first wins.
q: at least one friendly hedgehog was killed by Kamikaze
n: the name is a pun of the name of the Medal of Honor

PAotH Award
r: hedgehog was at some point in the match at the highest position. If it’s a tie (unlikely), the hedgehog who had it first wins.
q: hedgehog was at some point in the match a certain large number of pixels (I am unsure how many) above the upper map boundary.
n: “PAotH” means “Planetary Associaton of the Hedgehogs”.

Hedgehogs can fly!
r: hedgehog was at some point at the longest absolute horizontal distance from the map away. If it’s a tie (unlikely), the hedgehog who was at it first wins.
q: hedgehog was so far away that it was out of the visible area

Super Secret Spy Society’s Award
r: Hedgehog killed the most kings of its own clan. If it’s a tie, the hedgehog who killed a friendly king first wins.
q: At least one friendly king killed.
n: This award implies that King Mode has been played.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

mikade's picture
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Some nice ideas, Wuzzy. Well, as I said before, I do like the idea of both per-game and overall achievements.

For the per-game stuff, ideally it would be in engine, but seeing as I'm not going near that with a ten foot pole, it would have to fall to someone else to code. Big Grin

But, I guess I could try a small lua library for some simple ones (assuming that stuff Master_ex did earlier was actually added into repo), that other scripts could use to spice them up.

Anyway, nice ideas, yeah.
Keep them coming, I guess.

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How about you make these?
1. Homina homina homina: hit your own hogs 1000 times
2. Ozone-be-gone: Use ozone hole 500 times
3. Ozoned!: Use ozone fixer 500 times
4. You're under arrest: get banned by the admins
5. The Plague: Get the plague (Get poisoned) 1000 times
(note that words in parentheses are not included in the real description and are only there to help you understand)

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Star and Moon
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I made some more images to practice for making more PAotH comics:

Booooiiing: Bounce a hedgehog into a deadly trap.

Check Out My New Hat!: Have a dud mine fall on one of your hedgehog's heads. (I'm not sure this is actually possible in game)

Clean Cut Victory: Win a round of Clean Slate with all your hedgehogs alive and at full health.

What a Sap: Suck 45 health points from a hedgehog with Vampirism.

Don't Mind Us: Spend a couple turns spectating because your hogs are unable to fight due to being frozen or being in the Time Box.

Shell Shock: Pull off a direct hit with the bazooka on a very distant hog.

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Big Grin

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
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Star and Moon
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To celebrate 9.22's release (a week ago) here's some new achievement icons:

Hot Pursuit: Evade 5 advancing air mines.

You have to hold it down?: Congratulations! You made the same mistake every newcomer makes! (Try to fire the bazooka by tapping the attack key)

Mammal Vs. Machine: In a fair match, beat a level 5 CPU. (Fair match meaning the same number of hedgehogs per clan.)

nemo's picture
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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

To celebrate 9.22's release (a week ago) here's some new achievement icons:

Hot Pursuit: Evade 5 advancing air mines.

You have to hold it down?: Congratulations! You made the same mistake every newcomer makes! (Try to fire the bazooka by tapping the attack key)

Mammal Vs. Machine: In a fair match, beat a level 5 CPU. (Fair match meaning the same number of hedgehogs per clan.)

same number of hedgehogs, default settings.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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