Mumble in Hedgewars!

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Radissthor's picture
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Hey all HW players,

Just to let you know that bender created a Mumble server for Hedgewars. If you install it and follow the instructions in the unit22 webpage you will be able to chat, real time, with other hedgewars players.

Thanks to bender for making this cool contribution! Big Grin
I was playing shoppa with him the other day and I downloaded the Mumble application. It was very funny to talk to bender while we were playing, actually laughing at our fails with each other.

So I recommend that you all download this application and start having even more fun in the game!

As a tip: When you configure Mumble, there are several options to "start talking". One option is automatic voice recognition, which mean that whenever your computer's mic senses sound, it will be broadcasted by Mumble.
This isn't the best choice, as most people listen to music and other stuff while playing, so the mic would be on the whole time.
Instead, I recomed choosing a key (or key combination) that won't cause any problems when playing fullscreen hedgewars. That way, you can just press the key and talk whenever you want. Bender gave me the idea of choosing the windows key on my keyboard, as I am a Linux user with a windows keyboard, so that is(was) completely useless.


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nemo's picture
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The "Windows" key (often called Super when configuring keyboard in linux) is often used in linux. Compiz plugins use it heavily for various effects as their default key. It may also be bound to "Compose" for digraphs.
And in Gnome3 and Unity, the Super key is the basis for a ton of shortcuts. Actually, just press and hold the super key in Unity to see a bunch of shortcuts (this is not an endorsement of Unity which still annoys me).

Just suggesting you might want to bind it to a combo.

Oh, and if your keyboard has any other keys, you could maybe bind one of them. Like, my laptop has a "Help" button and some other one for tech support or something. I bound those to opening a terminal window and launching firefox.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Blue's picture
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Get yourselves on mumble dudes just downloaded I know theres high demand to hear my English accent Wink Smiley

shadowzero78's picture
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Aww, wish i had a mic and a good accent. Oh well, at least a good graphics card is not so far away Big Grin


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So i downloaded what :P

Radissthor's picture
User offline. Last seen 22 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
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Hi Sami,

You need to follow the instructions on Bender webpage. Also, you need to configure Mumble for your computer sound configuration. This is all very simple. I you were able to install hedgewars, you'll succeed in mumble Wink Smiley

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User offline. Last seen 7 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
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Radissthor allegedly wrote:

Hi Sami,

You need to follow the instructions on Bender webpage. Also, you need to configure Mumble for your computer sound configuration. This is all very simple. I you were able to install hedgewars, you'll succeed in mumble Wink Smiley

Hey Radissthor, I did all that but I can't find the hedgewars server...

Radissthor's picture
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hmm, with this information you should be able to find it:

port: 64739

Although I do remember Bender giving me a different port after one hadn't functioned. Try with that one and if it doesn't work we'll ask bender to fix that port number, which must be the problem.

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bender's picture
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Hi guys. I see some of you are interested with mumble. Lately i don't have much time so you don't find me there (or in game) but i promise i'll be there regularly after a week or so when my life should be normal back again.

About configuration. First you must walk through wizard. Imo it doesn't need special explanation. One problem some of you have is certificate. Just generate automatically one (the easiest option). I don't require signed certs (i don't have any too)

Nemo is right about the activation key. I just don't use compiz (or any soft which require win key) so i've used it. When you're choosing key combination have in mind that it must be easy to press while you play, especially with shoppa Wink Smiley

After this you will see window with server to choose. Click "add new" at the bottom and set the two values Radissthor gave above (the same as at my site). Name doesn't matter (it will be shown at server list).And I think you know what username is Smile

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