The Rope Brothers
Hey guys! We are Hedgewars' Players, Cekoto, Bufon and Falkenauge announcing the creation of our group, The Rope Brothers. The Rope Brothers is a group where some shoppa players meets and interact with the members.
The members of The Rope Brothers must be a shoppa lover, and love to make crazy style movement. You can be one of us too, post a comment below with your statement of joining our group. And then we will decide that you join us or not. The decision will be approved by a members of TRB.
Besides that, The Rope Brothers will keep trying to do a few research on Shoppa and make more 'impossible' movement. So maybe one day, all of TRB's members will have perfect shoppa skills (even better than the Legendaries).
Join our facebook group, [ ]
Add Founders, Bufon [ ]
Falkenauge [ ]
Cekoto [ ]
Bufon, Falkenauge, Cekoto, Lollkiller, Mystery, Hayaa, Hermes, Sami, Shadowzero, Amoedo, Lalo, Jakka, Izack1535 and javiersuarez.
"Art never improves, but . . . the material of art is never quite the same."
hi ,lego ninja here ,i was wondering why you took TRB out of general discushon
We have confirmation you are the spammer attacking us, that was disappointing, personally i wont talk to you anymore legoninja, go to play with someone else or change your nick again
Rope Brothers Founder

Heyyy what up my brothers?
any one still join this group? :P
I Hate Christmas timeeee..
is dead!
any one still join this group? :P
I Hate Christmas timeeee..
is dead!