Camo Theme
Tue, 2012-06-12 19:39
I'm making a Camo theme; it's still in early stages, but I'd like to post screenshots here anyway:
Suggestions/Feedback are very welcome.
I'm making a Camo theme; it's still in early stages, but I'd like to post screenshots here anyway:
Suggestions/Feedback are very welcome.
Mushrooms and Flowers?
CACP Founder
Star youre getting better!
please add your xfire accountname here:
A suggestion? What would be a good addition would be a great oversized pair of binoculars, methinks. Very appropriate. They are the flipside of camo in many respects, and certainly would not look out of place.
Anyway, looks promising
I haven't replaced all the objects yet.
Good idea, I'll look into it.
EDIT: I'm not exactly sure what I should do for the background, any ideas?
nice theme, specially like the gatling machine, keep workin artist!!
Rope Brothers Founder

It has some potential, it's better than your previous themes. But the graphics don't quite meet the style guidelines, as yet. The outlines need to be more well-defined, the shading isn't quite right, the landtex lacks detail. Keep going with it though.
Update! Flakes + Sudden Death Flakes!

At first they start off as harmless grenades, (also notice I enlarged the tank object)
Yeah, I agree that the land texture is kind of plain, it'll probably change.
Hello Star, I think the theme is fun and well drawn. But it has way to go.
My suggestions are:
-Change the color of the land. Green is a bit strong and flourescent. And do the shadow in 3-4 different shades of the same color.
-You should put some flowers facing left (as all do to the right). Same with the tanks.
-Note that atomic bombs are pixelated.
-The land is somewhat empty, you could add a "spray". Like a gib drill rockect.
Anyway good job. Keep improvising.
Cheers Randy.
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
-I already said the land is going to change. (and so is the horizon and the sky, they are just fillers at the moment)
-The flowers (and all other objects from Nature) are going to be replaced, also, I'm not doing any flipped objects.
-Atomic bombs are not pixalated, it only looks like that because the game has re-sized them.
-Good idea, I will put in some spray.

Updates! New Land Texture, plus binoculars object:
There is a very cool GIMP plugin called "Camo" which creates a camo pattern. Look here:
Just in case you don't like the current land texture.
Unfortunately, the plugin is not able to create a tileable camo pattern, so the results still need some manual intervention.
I won't drop any comments on this theme until I'm able to download and test it.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Resynthesiser is probably one of the better tilers out there.
sudo apt-get install gimp-resynthesizer
But I think most of the people who are making vertically/horizontally seamless themes do it in Inkscape, just ensuring the left/right and/or top/bottom portions line up right.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
It's still in early stages, but for those of you who want it:
EDIT: Is there anyway to disable the way the game doubles the size of the horizont and sky on specific themes? Because I really hate that...
Here are my comments and suggestions on this theme:
These lines must be below the water* lines. You also have to add files named SDWater.png, SDDroplet.png and SDSplash.png which fits to this color. Like these ones:


That's all folks.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Okay, I haven't been updating this because the internet at my home is down (We had a major thunderstorm) so once the internet is back up I should be able to
post updates.
I don't mind the tree actually. It is a nice tree. The rest of the vegetation could be reworked though - maybe replace the mushrooms and flowers with bushes/shrubs/hedges.
A large Chameleon-shaped semi-blended outline might make a good terrain splat.
@ Wuzzy - It isn't like all the trees and butterflies get evacuated as soon as shots are fired, you know
. It is a 'camo' theme which is more than just war fatigues. Camouflage can be used in many things - like bird watching or hunting for example. If it was simply a war theme it would be named "War" or "Battle".
Foliage and native vegetation are kind of unavoidable if you take the idea of 'camouflage' properly.
Rejoice! The internet is back! But... some of you may be disappointed that I decided to use this no-internet time as an excuse to not work on any computer projects.
New release!
It's not in the "Early Stages" anymore, but it's still not done.
New things:
Added spray objects.
Sudden death clouds, water, splash, flakes and droplet are added/completed.
Things I want to change later on:
Add a few more objects. (Especially vegetation)
Redraw tree. (I know it's a nice tree, but I want the theme to be all original)
Change sky. (I'm still not sure what do with the sky by the way)
Redo land texture. (I want to make it bigger, the current one is too small)
By the way, Thumbs.db is sneaky little file and it gets in places without me knowing, so just ignore it.
I'm putting this theme on hiatus. I like hows it's turned out so far, but there's already a theme to similar to it already...
Don't get discouraged, because instead I'm gonna start a PORTAL theme that's gonna be very Portable Portal Device friendly!
EDIT: this never happened... sorry folks.
Very nice idea! Good luck with it.
Hedgewars Tournament 2015
Very good idea ! tell us how it is going
i could want to use it for a map
keep doing good job
Hey guys! I've decided to come back and finish up this theme!
So far I've redesigned the tank object:

Things to do:
More War things! BANGBANGBANG! Kggakggakgga! Neeeeeerow KABOOM!
More vegetation and other camo-y objects.
Redesign the bigger leaf spray, it's... weird.
Change the sky (This'll probably be one of the later things I'll get done. I got a general idea of how it will look though.)
Redesign the horizont, as the giant weapons won't fit with the new sky texture I plan.
Redo the land texture, it's small, and the repeating can be noticed rather easily.
Finish this up and get on to a minecraft theme.