Share your game schemes and weapon schemes!
Sat, 2012-06-16 23:06
sometimes you play an incredible mode online but its to hard/you don't know every detail of the weapons set etc...
sometimes you create a wonderfull set/scheme but don't know where and how to share it
now you can share your mod here !
all you need to do is :
describ your mod
describ the weapon set, and describ the sheme or :
copy the good lines from your schemes and weapons .ini files in your hedgewars folder
schemes ini look like :
3\name=lunar mode
and weapons.ini look like
you may need to say wich theme to use, and wich kind of map to play
some indication to have a good experience of your mod
here i share with you the lunar mod ( i don't create it, nemo show it to me, all congratulation to him )
nemo allegedly wrote:
Lunar Lander - intended to be played on the small maze map with no objects or girders.
The mines are to punish careless flying and to encourage saucer knocks of hogs.
the beachs hogs surfin hedgewars
Nice idea, i will try the mode! I dont have the scheme of famous "Mines-Shoppa", i guess Zygmuntix doesnt have hw forum account, but if someone post here its scheme im sure he will be happy -.-
Rope Brothers Founder
Lunar Lander - intended to be played on the small maze map with no objects or girders.
The mines are to punish careless flying and to encourage saucer knocks of hogs.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
well, i expected the mine shoppa and more shoppa modified scheme but seem all shopper don't have an account
i just ameliore an idea i got, with a script a found (about vampire), all this mixed with the mine/crazy shoppa
it give Shoppa Vampire
map : shoppa map its better, ( for the atmosphere i suggest a hell map as shoppahell, hellisropes etc... but every shoppa map is good )
as fast description i will say : it should be more long in time than usual shoppa games cause of vampirism and..... the resurrector !
there are more crazy weap, mines, barrel, some mine dud (they explode after 30 damage ! note it ) and some health crates
start life is around 150
222 % damage
weapon are NOT reset here (or its boring, i try it )
there is water rise after 20 turn i think
WARNING when its played with lot of hog+/ log of team, it may seem endless !! that why i add water rise and inf attack
hum, do i forget something ? think no, time for give you the thing to copy :
in scheme.ini
weapon.ini in one line :
if i forget something, if you have a question, if you want to share a mode, write in this topic
edit : modification of the files, after a online game, it looked like endless (45min of game o0 ) if you really wanna do a long game : add more resurrect, delete inf attack, delete water rise....
note the wind effect
now, a mode mikade made me discover :
name is dudmod
look like minefield, but there is lot of dudmine
note : the explose after 30 damage
edit : play in maze
EDIT : cause the .18 version have a different line for weapons: i update the lines of weapon.ini here , in case you wanna try it of course
Name: Bazookas and Grenades
Abbreviation: BnG
Description: You have infinite bazookas and infinite grenades and that's basically it. All hedgehogs are placed manually at game start and can’t be moved afterwards, only with teleporters, blowtorches and drills. They start with 200 health. Sudden Death is meaningless in this game mode.
It’s a good scheme to train your aiming stills. You also have a shoryuken and 2 whips to get rid of nasty hedgehogs which came too close.
Maps: It is suitable for any open (no cavern) maps, but preferably random island maps, I suggest medium sized islands. Large islands are not good because your projectile might not get over the top point of the terrain.
Hedgewars version: 0.9.19
Edit: Updated for v0.9.19.
Edit 2: Updated for v0.9.20. Nothing else changed.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
thank you wuzzy, is that a bit like pro mode ?
i like bazooka on the wind !
today, i share you an other mod nemo showed me
AI Survival :
in this game, the goal is to destroy as much AI as possible, it resurect after each death
to play on medium map
2player against one AI each player have 1hog, the ai have 4
(you can try 1player vs AI, change the hog number if you want, of course )
39\name=AI Survival
the weapon set is the one of default
enjoy !
Typically play 2 or 3 human players, all allied, human teams added first so they all get a move to run to safety.
Usually play on a medium map. Large is okish too. Add more AI hogs.
Typically AI on max level, w/ 4 hogs, so he gets 4 cakes.
Usually when I play w/ an experienced player, we can each get about 10 kills before being wiped out.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
i have a demo for ai survival if you wanna see before test :p
I have worked out a new scheme pack, called “Full Metal Jacket”. It consists of a weapon scheme and a game scheme. There are lots of overpowered weapons. You start with (for example):
- 2 melon bombs
- 2 hellish handgrenades
- 2 RC planes
- 2 air strikes
- 2 drill strikes
- 2 sine guns
- 2 flamethrowers
- 3 dynamites
- 1 napalm strike
- 1 mine strike
Additionally, you got a shitload of all the weaker weapons.On the other hand, all hedgehogs start with 200 health and half the crate drops are health crates with 100 health inside!
Collecting a weapon crate is a good idea. It is more likely to find a strong weapon in a weapon crate than a weak one.
Crate drops happen about every 2nd turn.
Other rules:
Every possible weapon/tool is in this scheme (either you start with it or you can find it in a crate).
The rope length is twice as long as in Default.
There are more barrels and mines than in Default.
Mine time is 1 second.
The Sudden Death is rather slow.
There are infinite hog selections.
I suggest to play this scheme with as many hedgehogs as possible (8 per team) and only on large-scale maps.
PS: Could the thread starter please rename this thread to “Share your game schemes and weapon schemes!”? The title “Share your mods !” is very misleading, since a mod is generally way more complex than that. When I read “mod”, I at least expect that some code has been touched. Weapon schemes and game schemes are clearly not mods.
(Edit: Has been done, thanks!)
Edit: Updated for v0.9.20: Two rubbers have been added, with crate contents of 2 and crate probability of 2 and of course no delay. World borders wrap around for more action!
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Here is a variant of the Shoppa weapon set. I call it “Shoppa without trash”.
Shoppa without trash is the same as Shoppa, but without TimeBox, dirt ball, teleportation, switch hog and kamikaze. This means no toolboxes drop; only weapon crates. Finding a weapon in a crate is guaranteed. It’s not neccessarily a good one, but it’s always a weapon.
I think the offical Shoppa weapons set (as of 0.9.19) is slightly flawed because following stuff drops sometimes: timebox, select hog, teleportation, dirt ball and kamikaze. Dirt ball is unneccessary since you can achieve the same with the rope. Teleportation is useless since you should reach every place with the rope anyways. TimeBox is just for cowards. :P Hog selection MAY actually be very useful but the problem is if you found it in the only crate in your turn, you still have no weapon. The problem I have with the official Shoppa is, sometimes the only crate in your turn may contain just junk (no weapon) and you basicly lost your turn without being able to fire a weapon. Kamikaze is too dangerous; it is most of the time wiser to skip turn than to use Kamikaze in Shoppa.
Oh, by the way, I left seduction in because it can push multiple hogs at once, which is not always possible with the rope.
Here’s the code:
(add it into weapons.ini)
Please note that I didn’t alter the official Shoppa game scheme. To play Shoppa without trash, you gotta select Shoppa as game scheme and Shoppa without trash as weapon scheme.
Edit: Updated for v0.9.20. Nothing in gameplay changed.
Edit 2: Removed kamikaze.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Well, let me say that I would probably rather play your scheme than conventional shoppa, but:
The utilities available are not really useless trash. Teleport can be used to telebomb hogs for more damage than deagle (at least, this used to be the case). Both teleport and timebox let you keep knocking hogs until the last few seconds of turn, and then warp out to relative safety, instead of wasting time trying to "get to a safe place".
Mudball isn't hugely useful for the reasons you have described, but for non-pro shoppa players (and certain difficult positions) it can be a lot faster than using the rope to knock hogs together. This is useful when you use it in combination with another weapons crate someone hasn't collected yet.
The existence of utility crates also acts as an additional random factor (for example, sometimes letting a player who is behind catch up to a player who is winning), and rewards players who have used their turn time to position their hogs in safe locations instead of attacking in a way that leads their hogs exposed to knocking.
Lastly, FWIW, Change Hog is invaluable and I would rather have it over seduction 9/10.
Hedgewars Developer
Telebombing was accidentally removed in a bugfix change by sheepluva, and no one noticed/reported. It should be back in next release.
Existing shoppa weaponset was selected by shoppa players, but ofc, everyone is welcome to their own opinions on the matter.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
@mikade: If you don’t like my variant, feel free to post your own. Especially if you want to make adjustments. With more experimentation we can improve things.
@all: I present you now a new scheme pack called “Softcore”. It contains a game scheme and a weapon scheme. It is based on Default. Great for beginners, but that doesn’t mean pros are not allowed to play it, too.
Works for 0.9.20.
Edit: Updated for 0.9.19. The number of freeze guns has been set to 1.
Edit 2: Updated for 0.9.20. Nothing in gameplay has changed. So the rubber was intentionally not added, because of the “take it easy” principle.
Edit 3: Updated for 0.9.21. Added script parameter for Game Hacks (optional).
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Hi, I have a large collection of schemes lying around.
A combination of weapon scheme and game scheme with the same name will be referred to as “scheme pack” in this post.
Everything here is compatible with version 0.9.20.
I hope you like them!
Weapon scheme: Clean Slate Plus
An improvement of “Clean Slate”.
All crate contents are now 1. You also can find bazookas, grenades, shotguns, shoryukens, whips and sine guns in crates. You can’t find laser sights anymore.
The crate probabilities have been changed. Weaker weapons are now much more likely than stronger weapons.
Intended to be played together with the game scheme “Clean Slate”.
Code for weapons.ini:
Edit for 0.9.20: Now you can find rubber in crate, too.
Scheme pack: Bull’s Eye
Use your aiming skills with your guns to kill your opponent!
You have 18 seconds, infinite sniper guns, shotguns, deagles and teleporters and no retreat time. You place your hogs at the beginning. No Sudden Death. That’s it!
Best played on floating islands.
Code for weapons.ini:
Code for schemes.ini:
Scheme pack: Aim
A variant of “Default”.
This scheme pack focuses on aiming skills rather than movement skills. Mostly projectile weapons and “gun” weapons, stronger weapons are limited.
No movement tools. Only 15s turn time and no retreat and no crate drops. No mines and barrels at start but you may lay one mine. The mine is treated in a special way here. Since you have no retreat time, the mine is activated immediately and you can’t run away. But luckily, the mine timer is set to 5 seconds and you could drop the mine from a cliff, for example.
After 6 turns, one RC plane gets unlocked.
You have infinite teleporters and 3 girders and 2 parachutes.
Should be playable for basically all non-crazy maps.
Code for weapons.ini:
Code for schemes.ini:
Scheme pack: Aim Forts (Needs playtesting!)
Same as “Aim”, but in fort mode and without RC plane, teleporters, girders and parachutes.
Code for weapons.ini:
Code for schemes.ini:
Scheme pack: Hardcore
A variant of “Default”, aimed for more experienced players. It parallels the “Softcore” scheme pack I’ve posted earlier.
30s turn time. You start with some strong weapons: 1 Melon bomb and hellish hand grenade. Health crate only gives 15 health etc.
Code for weapons.ini:
Code for schemes.ini:
Update for 0.9.20: Rubber can be found in crates.
Scheme pack: Super Hardcore
A variant of “Hardcore”, but with VERY nasty conditions:
Wind affects everything, no health crates, ALL weapons are limited, soon and quick sudden death.
Only 1 rope and this one has been halfed in length!
This script could be used together with the Game Hacks script. It would further cut birdy/UFO fly energy by half and set sticky mine timer to 0, but the script is completely optional.
Needs playtesting!
Code for weapons.ini:
Code for schemes.ini
Edit for 0.9.20: Rubber can be found in crates.
Edit for 0.9.21: Script parameter Game Hacks (entirely optional).
Scheme pack: Strategy
Variant of “Default”.
You place your hedgehogs at start.
Contains many weapons which are considered “tactical” somehow:
On the other hand, the following weapons are lacking:
Randomness is generally kept to a minimum: No weapon crates, no random turn order, few weapons involving too much randomness.
This script could be used together with the Game Hacks script. It would enable strategic tools mode and 0 sticky mine timer, but the script is completely optional.
Code for weapons.ini:
Code for schemes.ini:
Edit for 0.9.20: Because of its strategic impact, rubber had to be added to the weapon scheme: 3 rubber at start, 2 in crate, with probability of 6.
Edit for 0.9.21: Script parameter for Game Hacks (entirely optional).
Scheme pack: Pure Strategy
Variant of “Strategy” which reduces randomness even more:
No melon bombs, no hellish handgrenade, etc.
This script could be used together with the Game Hacks script. It would enable strategic tools mode and 0 sticky mine timer, but the script is completely optional.
Code for weapons.ini:
Code for schemes.ini.
Edit for 0.9.20: Rubber has been added: 2 at start, 2 in crates, crate probability of 7.
Edit for 0.9.21: Script parameter for Game Hacks (entirely optional).
Edit: All weapon schemes of this post have been updated to work with 0.9.20. Where I found it appropriate, I added rubber. For those schemes with no explcit editing comment, nothing has changed in the weapon scheme.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
The weapon scheme “Default” has changed in 0.9.20. Hellish handgranade, portal gun, freezers and cleavers were stripped (from starting ammo at least) and a rubber has been added.
This change is likely to be controversial, so I post the weapon scheme “Default” from 0.9.19, made usable for 0.9.20:
Note that this scheme does not include rubber.
You find it as “Default (0.9.19)” in the weapon scheme list.
Also note that I edited all of my previous published schemes to work for 0.9.20. For some I have added rubber.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Was told to post this here ... so enjoy!
5\name=Batellion I65A
Melon Bouncehouse (weapon scheme and game scheme)
Build your defenses up in your fort with your girders and rubber bands and destroy the enemy with your infinte melon bombs. Use the melon bomb's bouncyness and the bouncy walls to your advantage! This is a very bouncy and destructive game.
(Demo here)
Here's are the details and the schemes:
Game scheme: Melon Bouncehouse
Summary: Fort mode, bouncy walls, 200 HP, 22s turn time, no land objects. Sudden Death in 18th turn, slow water rise at 10 hp health decrease. Intended to be played together with the weapon scheme “Melon Bouncehouse”.
Weapon scheme: Melon Bouncehouse
Contents: Infinite melons, firepunches and whips (all delayed by 1), infinte blowtorches and drills, 8 girders, 4 rubbers and 1 extra time (delayed by 1).
Game scheme: Melon Bounceland
A variant of Melon Bouncehouse, but with normal land instead of forts. Mines and barrels are placed and Sudden Death is a bit earlier and faster. Also intended to be played together with the weapon scheme “Melon Bouncehouse”.
I use this game scheme when Melon Bouncehouse can't be played because of an uneven number of players.
(Demo here)
All schemes on this post are for Hedgewars version 0.9.21.
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Hogillas game scheme and weapon scheme. (was requested here:
You got infinite bazookas, 1 health and can't walk. That's it!
Code for weapons.ini:
Code for schemes.ini (you must manually adjust the numbers and size parameter):
The scheme on this post is for Hedgewars version 0.9.21.
Originally this was intended for special “skyscraper” maps (basically just large rectangles) but I don't see why normal random maps couldn't be used for that as well. Don't play this is caves or crazy maps.
Traditionally played with 1 hog per team.
This scheme works only with 2 team colors in 0.9.21.
Attention: If you edit the game scheme in the scheme editor and leave it with "Hogillas" selected, the starting health will be set to 50!
PS: Could someone please move this thread to "Content Creations"?
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
sine gun madness game scheme and weapon scheme
works well with smooth large island/tunnel maze maps, you can use smooth wacky maps too but it's not recommended
hogs are unable to move and start with 125 health, attacks won't end your turn, weapons are reset every turn, land objects and girders are disabled and the amount of mines on the terrain is increased
one health crate will drop every turn and heals 70 health (may be tweaked later)
each turn you will have
the main way to move is the sine gun's recoil and you have to be careful with your limited supply
game scheme
weapon scheme
thanks to hedgewars user easy for helping me playtest the scheme
made with hedgewars version 1.0.0