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User offline. Last seen 10 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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Who ever made this game is a fuckwit they just copyed worms nothing original... whole layout is the same they whole concept is the same ect ect ect... Even artworks and texture in this game look like mimics of Worms Armaggeddon.

There is nothing Original about this game its pathedic how its copyed worms layout 100%

I say this to Hedgewars Players Join the Worms Armaggeddon community and boycot this plagerism.

Star and Moon
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pizzasheet allegedly wrote:

Ramblings about how Worms is better and Hedgewars is just a copy.

Your wrong in every way, so wrong in fact, that it makes me want to cry. Did you even play the game? What I see here is someone who has played worms a lot and looked at few screenshots of this game and took the impression that everything is stolen.

It's not a "copy" of Worms at all, it's just a borrowed concept, and if everything was copied with no credit to Team17, then Team17 would've done something about it, because they know about this game.

User offline. Last seen 12 years 20 weeks ago. Offline
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I was wondering what took haters from TUS so long to discover this game. xD
Yes, it has the similar gameplay, textures, weapons. (which one does it better is arguable) But it also works natively on linux and mac. That alone is more than enough to justify the existence of this game.
So instead of moaning how ripoff this is, do something useful and port WA to more platforms. (or encourage people who can). Until then, this ranting is meaningless.

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Might as well say that Worms 1 ripped off Lemmings graphics and terrain model and combined it w/ Scorched Earth weapons and ballistics.
And that Worms 2 just took this copy and added bubbly cartoon graphics which is not the greatest of innovations.

Which is not to say they didn't do an awesome job. It had polish and style. But the game has been around for 17 years.
Expecting no one else to work in the genre they spawned is like freaking out over every 3d shooter since Wolfenstein 3D.

Every line of code, every piece of art, is all original work.

Oh, and of course, on the platform front, yes, absolutely, Linux, Mac, Windows.

Of course that is forgetting BSD, iOS, Android and now, the web.

The power of an open source platform - portability. (and a dedicated community w/ access to it of course)

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

sheepluva's picture
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pizzasheet allegedly wrote:


I legally own a copy of WA and I liked the game, but I can't even play it on the computers I use these days anymore.

Anyway I like Hedgewars more because of the unique features, gameplay and community.

Also your post/critism is rude, childish and fanboyish and demonstrates that you have never really played hedgewars or any idea what you are actually talking about.

If YOU prefer WA, that's okay with me, nobody will stop you from playing it, have fun Smile

  sheepluva <- me  my code stats -> 
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User offline. Last seen 10 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
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If WA is waaaayyyyy better as you said ... then why are you here except to play the troll?

You can't just come here (too late btw XD) and say "Let's boycot this game weeeee" :

-1st it's useless : if people play this game that mean they like it and they will not leave it because of a 'lil frustrated boy who decided to yell for feeling interesting

-2nd you are annoying people who waste their time for your childish

conclusion : time to grow up my dear Wink Smiley


hum hey the geek

never saw your arrow's scar Big Grin

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Admiratrice d'un mouton ;p

Star and Moon
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Oh by the way you guys can stop commenting on this because all the trolls have gone. (We expositioned them to death, hehehe!)

User offline. Last seen 10 years 44 weeks ago. Offline
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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

Oh by the way you guys can stop commenting on this because all the trolls have gone. (We expositioned them to death, hehehe!)

still here fool

Star and Moon
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User offline. Last seen 9 weeks 21 hours ago. Offline
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pizzasheet allegedly wrote:

still here fool

Wow, it took you THAT long to come up with such a lousy comeback?

Geez, maybe you should reconsider being a Troll if all you can do is call me a "fool" for replying to your troll thread two years ago.

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