[map]Green Hill Zone
Fri, 2012-08-24 15:32
here's the map.
If anyone have an issue just post it.
Enjoy Playing!
V1 image
By TheBlueLegend at 2012-08-24
Thanks to Star and moon for testing
fixed issue with the GIMP when stretching the map.
Please tell me only the picture is squished and the map itself isn't
you have to test it to know.
Actually, I can tell just by looking at the map.png
And, to my dismay, it actually is squished, and it looks really bad, you should really fix it.
Thanks for testing,here the V2:
Much better! I suggest adding a mask so hedgehogs can stand in more areas.
i have a question,how to make the mask a soft mask (the hogs can destroy the earth.
Red = Indestructible Land
White = Regular Land
Black = Regular Land that leaves back texture when destroyed.
Blue = Slippery Land
the v3 with a mask,sadly,the GIMP 2.8 didn't make a good work because all the explosions leave traces.
Thanks to you for all the infos