Gameplay Mode Idea: Kill Points Mode
Mode Goal
A player would win this mode by earning more kill points than their opponents.
A player could win even if their team is eliminated.
Who would win when there is a KP draw?
If players will be eliminated in this mode, then I think the tied player whose team survived for the longest time should be the winner.
If players won't be eliminated, I think the tied player with the most kills should be the winner.
How would players earn kill points?
I think the number of points earned from killing an enemy hog should be affected by:
- What weapon was used: the KP value of weapons could be randomly determined at the start of a round.
The KP value of weapons could be shown in their description and the escape key menu could list the 10 highest value weapons.
I think the KP value of a weapon should be reduced when a player has used it to kill an enemy hog.
- Whether or not the killed enemy hog was a target hog: in every turn a player's hog could be randomly selected to be a target hog which their opponents could kill to earn extra KP. Target hogs could wear crowns.
Bonus kill points could be earned if:
- The killed hog drowns.
- The killed hog was damaged by a mine in the fatal attack.
- The killed hog was damaged by an exploding barrel in the fatal attack.
- The killed hog was infected with poison.
How would players lose kill points?
I think players should lose kill points when they kill friendly hogs.
Maybe players should not be eliminated in this mode
I think players should not be eliminated in this mode because this mode's goal does not require players to become eliminated observers, who would have to wait until the end of a round to find out who had won it.
Hello. I made a Team Deathmatch mode about a year ago, which is pretty similar in concept. Having weapons which have different KP values is an interesting spin, but I think it would be a bit of a pain to have to look up the value of each weapon every time you want to use it. If I were to implement this I think I would have all weapons give equal KP, except for 5 random weapons which have a random bonus given to them each round.

Hedgewars Developer
I think this is an interesting idea, but I have a suggestion.
You should also get extra kill points for overkill (Dealing more damage than is needed to kill a hedgehog)