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koper000's picture
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Where Can I Play Tournament?

Jeśłi chcesz zagrać w Wormux napisz do mnie na priv umówimy się na mecz.

If you wish to play Wormux write to me on priv.

sphrix's picture
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you can join a tournament when someone create one in the forum
actually there is more shoppa tournament than other, but
you can create a tournament, look in forum topics, then create your own tournament : ask people to sign in etc....

but if you're looking for an official tournament, don't think you'll find a lot

so, create your tournament Wink Smiley
(or just ask to some people to play matchs

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Randy's picture
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Where Can I Play Tournament?

You will can some months after .18 will be out. I'm thinking on make a Default mode Tournament about that date. Or if you can't wait to that. You can make your own of the mode you want and whenever you want.

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