Script Suggestion: Supplied Forts
I came up with an idea for a multi player script, (I would've made it myself but I've no idea how) it's called Supplied Forts, it is similar to forts mode, but has several changes.
Each player has there own fort, and in that fort is 3 supply boxes, every round, crates come out of the boxes for the hedgehogs from the base to collect. It also supplies immediate reinforcements, so when a hedgehog dies from that team, it is re spawned by one of the supply boxes.
The first objective of the game is to destroy at least one of the other team's supply boxes, the less supply boxes there are, the less crates each team has. It also takes longer for the hedgehogs to re spawn if supply boxes are missing. The hedgehogs cannot re spawn at all if all boxes are missing.
When one is missing, you can start battling and actually have a chance to win. If all hedgehogs on one team are dead before one can re spawn, then it counts as all of them being dead, and you win, even though they may still have had one or two boxes.
So what do you think eh? Anyone wanna consider making this? I can supply all necessary art.
I like this idea,and I actually think it's half-possible.
You won't be able to have 1v1v1v...(If I understood correctly) battle with forts mode,would have to be a Team vs. Team.
The boxes could be targets that just spawn a crate above them if they're not destroyed.
Not sure if its possible to do delayed respawn,perhaps make it so 1 of every 3 turns the hogs can be killed without repsawning if 1 box is missing,2 of every 3 if 2 boxes are missing, and all the time if all 3 boxes are missing?
You can do delayed respawn by grabbing the respawned hog and hiding it using HideHog
Then restoring it using RestoreHog on the crate collection.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
OK, I've worked a bit more on this, every other turn, a weapons crate, a utility crate and a health crate is dropped, one by each supply box. If one supply box is missing, it will not drop weapons crates, if two are missing, then it only drops health crates.
Maybe if a hog is hidden when all unhidden hedgehogs are dead, then it gets killed too, if that's possible...
EDIT: Yo, anyone interested in coding this?
Working on it
{} {}
\___/ - Happy
Im shall code it
{} {}
\___/ - Happy