Key binding for next weapon available

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User offline. Last seen 4 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
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I know you dont like very much to add new key bindings, but, my 2 cents:

It would be really useful for shoppa/highlander/random, where you usually have less than 3 weps, players to have a key for choosing the next weapon available without having to open the weapon menu or using the function keys for finding them. Not everyone knows how to use Function keys (and you have to remember every weapon row on kinda random games) and when using trackpad it takes like 3 secs to change weapon using mouse.

Also, in, for example OSX, default key bindings are not useful as F keys are assigned to operating system and have to change config to make them available for gaming.


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krammer allegedly wrote:


I know you dont like very much to add new key bindings, but, my 2 cents:

It would be really useful for shoppa/highlander/random, where you usually have less than 3 weps, players to have a key for choosing the next weapon available without having to open the weapon menu or using the function keys for finding them. Not everyone knows how to use Function keys (and you have to remember every weapon row on kinda random games) and when using trackpad it takes like 3 secs to change weapon using mouse.

Also, in, for example OSX, default key bindings are not useful as F keys are assigned to operating system and have to change config to make them available for gaming.


Yeah. OSX has some pretty WTF key bindings. Not to mention, removing a bunch of useful keys to add another 3 F keys...
Took a bit of work to get my Aluminium keyboard into a useful state.
Luckily though, you can change back to F keys if you're a gamer in OSX. That is. Instead of using a modifier to switch to F keys, and default being stuff like adjusting your display brightness, you can have defaults be F keys, and use the modifier to get the display change.

As for "switch to next weapon" has been brought up before. Is on the list of things to consider. One consideration was that if you press an F key for which there are *no* weapons in that slot, that it then scrolls forward through the slots until it hits a weapon. You'd still be able to switch to "no weap" in a slot (useful in particular for girders and such) if the slot had at least one weapon.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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