Where did WarMUX' homepage go?

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You probably heard of the game "WarMUX" (previously "Wormux"). It is a Worms clone like Hedgewars but instead of hedgehogs shooting each other it is Tuxes, GNUs, Beasties, Pidgins, Wilbers, Firefoxes, Thunderbirds, Konquies, ElePHPants and other mascots shooting each other.
The homepage used to be http://www.wormux.org/ and they didn't change the domain even after the name change. But now there is just some random russian crap?

So where did WarMUX' homepage possibly go?
And what happened with the community?

I do not really know where to ask so I ask here because Hedgewars players are most likely to have heard of WarMUX.
Wink Smiley

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glum reaper
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Warmux ceased development in early 2011 due to lack of developers. The main developer announced that she was shutting down the site shortly after. As far I can tell the community for Warmux died a long time ago, the forum for it had not been posted on since '10. I suspect we inherited whatever community they had left. Personally I am glad that they died, they were an insult to the genre.

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I can recall such an announcement on the front page (labelled "Of Life and Death" or something like that). If I recall correctly, the dev who posted this simply said that there would not be updates anymore, I can't remember saying anything about shutting down the entire website. :-/

Well, that's a harsh and sad end for a game I think. Although the game's quality is debatable, don't forget that there were also some maps created which would provide a good source for Hedgewars. Losing them would be really awful. Probably only a few of them would comply with the Hedgewars graphics style but anyways. At least the website could have stood online.
Sad Smiley
At least one WarMUX map somehow made it to Hedgewars, it is called "Cheese".

I am personally hit by this because I contributed a translation once and tried to keep it up to date from time to time. Kind of sad to see your own work is going down the drain. On the other hand, however, I never played WarMUX that much.

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Star and Moon
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Yeah, it's sad to see warmux go, even though it wasn't that great...

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

At least one WarMUX map somehow made it to Hedgewars, it is called "Cheese".

That map was supposed to be removed a long time ago, like in 9.14 or something... dunno why it's still in game.

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Star and Moon allegedly wrote:

Yeah, it's sad to see warmux go, even though it wasn't that great...

Wuzzy allegedly wrote:

At least one WarMUX map somehow made it to Hedgewars, it is called "Cheese".

That map was supposed to be removed a long time ago, like in 9.14 or something... dunno why it's still in game.

Preference is to redraw maps that aren't up to Hedgewars standards rather than delete them, in case people install a new version over an old one and leave old maps in place.
No one has redrawn it yet.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Nemo: One of the "newer" versions of WarMUX completely changed the Cheese map. It is a different map but under the same name; they simply threw away the old Cheese map from WarMUX. It is this older map which is in Hedgewars. The new cheese map looks much better but it does also not comply with the Hedgewars graphics style. The problems are the cheese holes and the mice. Probably I'll upload that map anyways as "Cheese 2" and as a "Work in Progress". Somewhere ... (UPDATE! See below ...)
The map is from the WarMUX user yeKcim <mynick2@o2.pl> who does not appear to be part of the Hedgewars community.

However, I have recently browsed through the WarMUX maps again; There is also a Bonux Maps pack. Most maps in the bonus map pack simply suck. The good maps are simply in the main WarMUX release. There are indeed some useful maps which could be converted to Hedgewars maps. I'll write more on that topic a bit later.

I have made some research on the WarMUX stuff and these are the results:

The project page is still up:
You'll find many useful files, including the complete WarMUX source code, here. You also find mailing lists there. I never knew WarMUX/Wormux ever had mailing lists. Wink Smiley Most mailing lists became silent around October 2011.

The IRC channel ist still up:

The Bonus Maps pack can be obtained from:

The SVN trunk is alive:

Altough the Wayback Machine remembers the old www.wormux.org (refering to the game, not some russian crap), I could not find any useful information from that. The news item "Of Life and Death" can not be found by the Wayback Machine.

The latest release of WarMUX is 11.04:

I also remember that they changed the versioning numbering one day. The new version numbering refers to the release date, in the format YY.MM. This means the last release was made on April 2011.

And there is also another map which is both in WarMUX and Hedgewars: Lonely Island (as called in WarMUX) / Lonely_Island (as called in Hedgewars). It is by user alzen who is also part of the Hedgewars community.

UPDATE: I have now uploaded the new Cheese map and I am currently requesting for comments for it. See thread Map: Cheese 2.

UPDATE 2: Date source files (SVG and stuff) can be found here: http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/warmux/data-src/

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I do not know what to say ...

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mikade allegedly wrote:



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CheezeMonkey allegedly wrote:


For the record my comment was directed at the jp spammer before he got unpublished, not at poor Wuzzy or smoosymake.

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Though many do not like the Warmux, I am largely using that as my son loves it so much.

Now, I am trying to play with him on-line but I do not how to do that.

I tried to put my IP address (provided from whoami) and password from one side but there is no way to see the other player.

Does anyone know how to play on network with Warmux?

Hope to read some help soon.


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Hm, if Warmux has SVGs it would make fixing the cheese map graphics style easier.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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Oh, well.
gna.org has been shutdown a while ago. Where WarMUX source code was hosted!

But appears that yecKim has posted a copy on GitHub:


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