Some of my thoughts

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Flandre Scarlet
Flandre Scarlet's picture
User offline. Last seen 3 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 2011-09-20
Posts: 10

Hi everyone,

a new weapon as in like freezing (if freezing is not okay then some sort of glue you can put on the landscape and ppl that step in cannot move for a while?) an enemy hedgehog for 1 - 2 turns would maybe be good to have, gives some opportunity for new strategies.

i wonder if there will be ever some sort of female voice pack as there some kind of female hats/hair + a female community flag it would make sense to release that voice pack then. I hope tough that there will be more varity of the hair styles. - do have some interesting sort of hair maybe you want to browse and feel inspired to do some similiar hair look for hedgewars Big Grin

these categorys contain some main chars of the game series (for playstation 3 only), it has some fanbase and maybe it can be kinda put into hedgewars as i saw some touhou based hats as well Big Grin

User offline. Last seen 5 years 6 weeks ago. Offline
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Hey, thought I could give this a quick reply.

I'm not sure if you're trying to suggest for the devs to make a freeze ray or what your first point is about, but I can tell you that they're already working on the freeze ray. In fact, it's selectable in the current hw version (0.9.18) although it doesn't do anything.

As for the female voice pack, it really just depends on if/when a female steps up to the task of making one (or a guy with a feminine voice Wink Smiley). If it's good enough quality/content wise, I'm sure it'll be included, or atleast in the DLC. If you know anyone (or maybe even yourself? idk.) who could do it, feel free to give it a try.

And with the hair/hats, again, you just need to find someone to do it, and the devs may include it.

Hope I helped you out. Smile

Flandre Scarlet
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User offline. Last seen 3 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 10

hi there,

this freezing gun is to rare to get in a normal game i just found out yesterday by using a own weapon/game setting.

i'm sure someone can lend the voice and the devs use their software to make it sound hedgewars style.

i not know ppl that could do them, thats why i kinda posted this hm.

thx for your reply.

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