Olympics theme with three suns

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Wuzzy's picture
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TL;DR: Dear Hedgewars developers, please add this file to the Olympics theme.

I am writing about the theme "Olympics" which is part of Hedgewars. The theme is pretty polished and usable but there is one minor issue remaining:
There are three suns!
Big Grin

This is because the sun in part of Sky.png which gets repeated in the background.
The issue can be easily fixed by adding a file called "SkyL.png" to the theme which also shows the sky, but without the sun. Sky.png won't get repeated anymore; instead the SkyL.png image will be appended to the Sky.png, resulting in only one sun. For some funny reason, this image seems to be attached to the left and the right of Sky.png, despite the name.

Here is the Sky without the sun:

I guess it is 100% safe to add this file to the Olympics theme, and both versions (the one with and the one without SkyL.png) are compatible, right?

Edit: Files were not accessible (403). I fixed that. Sorry for the inconvinience.

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Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 40 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 1304

It’s at least one version number since I wrote this post and the official Olympics theme still has three suns. Seriously, wtf?
Sad Smiley

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