[Map] [BGTheme] Chess_v3

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Wuzzy's picture
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Here I publish background theme and map “Chess_v2”.

Preview of background theme “Chess_v2”:

Preview of map “Chess_v2”:

Download pages
Map Chess_v2: http://hh.unit22.org/addons/Map/Chess_v3/ (ca 1.5 MiB)
Theme Chess_v2: http://hh.unit22.org/addons/Theme/Chess_v3/ (ca 296 KiB)

SVG source files

WarMUX maps conversion project
This theme and map is part of the WarMUX maps conversion project. The map is taken from WarMUX and has been polished to work well in Hedgewars, too. The original map author is WarMUX user Lami.

Known problems


  • version 3: added flakes, theme icon, tint SD background
  • version 2: changed sky (now shows wall only), added horizont (gray chess pieces), added version number back to name. Considered stable.
  • version 1: PNG files compressed; removed version number from name itself. Still considered unstable (but playable).
  • version 0.1: initial version

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bender's picture
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I like the map graphic but theme is way too bright. I'm playing usually when it's dark outside and it just burns my eyes. I never use built in bath theme for the same reason. The same applies to Paint0.1.

Arcade and Construction are very good maps. It was nice to play them with highlander mode.

sphrix's picture
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@bender, if you modify your sky.png, exemple : modify the bright, or color dominant, is it still possible to play it online ?

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nemo's picture
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sphrix allegedly wrote:

@bender, if you modify your sky.png, exemple : modify the bright, or color dominant, is it still possible to play it online ?

I think the list of safe files to alter was discussed in the total conversion thread.

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nemo's picture
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Please use a version number with theme/map names. Thanks.

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Wuzzy's picture
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Version 2 released! See initial post for links.

I have edited the background and now it repeats well. The “Sky” now only shows the wall, the floor is gone. There is also a new horizont, there are now large chess pieces in the background.

The map and theme are now called “Chess_v2”.

The map and theme are now distributed seperately.

The map and theme are now considered stable.

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Wuzzy's picture
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SVG source files

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Wuzzy's picture
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Version 3 released!

- added flaks
- added theme icon
- changed SD background tint to purple-ish

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