[Map] [BGTheme] MonkeyBubble_v3

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Here I publish the background theme and the map “MonkeyBubble_v3” (“v3” is for “version 3”).

MonkeyBubble_v3 theme (recommended)
MonkeyBubble_v3 map
MonkeyBubble music (for theme, optional)

The theme uses a custom (optional) music, which needs to be downloaded separately.

WarMUX maps conversion project
This theme and map is part of the WarMUX maps conversion project. The map is taken from WarMUX and has been polished to work well in Hedgewars, too. The original map authors are WarMUX user yeKcim and Jean Victor Balin.


  • version 3: theme icon, fix map preview, use fallback music
  • version 2: customized girders, renamed internal name to “MonkeyBubble_v2”
  • version 1 (considered stable): PNG files compressed, renamed to “MonkeyBubble”
  • version 0.1: initial version

Technical blabla
The map also uses its own theme, also used to be called "MonkeyBubble", but it only provides background and flakes; it is not a stand-alone theme.

Due to different map formats, these are the main differences of this version and the WarMUX map:

  • the WarMUX map has three background layers, the Hedgewars map only two
  • the large background layer 1 trees from the WarMUX map are excluded in the Hedgewars map

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I have released version 2!
Download links are in the first post.

This is mostly an organizational update, but a small enhancement has been done: The background theme (a theme which is not usable on its own, only for maps) now has a customized girder, it looks like the bamboo of the map.

I have split the background theme and the map in two packages but you can still download the full package if you wish.

I have also changed the names of both map and theme to “MonkeyBubble_v2” in order to follow naming conventions.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

Wuzzy's picture
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The files are now on hh.unit22.org!

I updated the links in the first post. It turned out the “map” link was broken (had theme instead of map). This should be fixed. If you notice problems, please download the HWP files again and delete the old MonkeyBubble HWPs.

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Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 19 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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Version 3 released!

- added theme icon
- fixed map preview
- theme now uses fallback music if custom music file is missing

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

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