AI accuracy
I have been enjoying Hedgewars since a week ( version 0.9.18 ) , beating and being beaten in battles with the AI.
But so far there's only 1 thing that disapointed me : the AI uncanny accuracy regardless of distance and winds.
If there's even a pixel of opening, the shot will land.
Searching a bit i learned that you can set the AI "difficulty" level when creating the teams. I had hope then and started experimenting a bit with this.
Unfortunately, i noticed that the difficulty has no obvious influence on the accuracy, the AI is still able to land the exact same near impossible shots directly spot on targets (target being either one of my troops or another AI troops) even at the lowest setting or at the highest.
The only difference between the difficulty levels seems to be that they use more different weapons at higher difficulty setting :
The most hilariously sad was in a game in which i dug a pixel large whole tunnel through half of a map with the pistol and hit an AI that was not moving.
Once shot, that AI moved a bit away , jumped on a little elevation, turned and shot me through that pixel large tunnel, and that on the lowest difficulty team !
So my question is : is it possible to edit the accuracy of the AI so they can sometime miss at the lowest difficulty setting when the shot is difficult ?
Well, at lowest difficulty level AI often misses very bad, such that no damage is dealt at all
Very odd as it's very different from what i observe with that lowest difficulty setting.
Out of using more weapons and being able to move better around the map, from the tests i did i still don't see much differences between the lowest and highest AI difficulty setting in term of accuracy, they can miss, but it's far from "often" , in fact while it happens it's rare that they don't land with pinpoint accuracy and perfect timing.
Oh how embarassing, i wanted to play on a larger map and so have more teams in the battle, after adding some more teams, i decided to go back to edit some of the existing one and make one of them stronger by upping its difficulty setting.
... and noticed that team was not in the lowest difficulty setting at all, and checking my other ones, it was the same.
No wonder i didn't noticed them missing "often".
After setting everyone to the lowest difficulty setting, indeed there's a big difference in accuracy.
While they sometime landed incredible shots in that battle, it's not more than me when i get lucky.
Though they seem to use even less weapons, i wish it was possible to customise the AI to keep them less terminator-like but still able to use more varied array of weaponry.
I guess the subject can be closed, it was just an user mistake
Amusingly if your hog is in a bad position, the inaccuracy can result in worse results for you since it is likely to knock you off a cliff or into water instead of pushing you into the ground.
Although low levels of the AI shouldn't be aware of drowning, at least for bazooka/grenade.
Requires coding more inaccuracies into the other weapons. Someone needs to step up to do it.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
Well, there is at least one funny thing in this thread: The pistol trick.

Could you post a demo of you killing an AI hedgehog with your pistol trick? It would be probably interesting/fun for others to watch.
You can upload demos on
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.