Starrace extra big race

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sphrix's picture
User offline. Last seen 3 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
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fisrt, read this

did you ?

so, i and nemo helped me a lot, thanks to him, addapt this map to hedgewars format
then i addapt a race luafile for this map

so it give a super race on a super big map !

maybe i'll upload it on unit22, anyway you can download it and test it right now Wink Smiley

it take me 10minute to finish the race,
its hard to move fast, all your talents are needed :p

and caution : big map, so computer need memory Wink Smiley could take 30sec to load the map

finally, i didn't make this map, just addapt it (with nemo help)

if you got problem, tell it

thinks its all

the beachs hogs surfin hedgewars

nemo's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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Well, to be specific, there are a few restrictions on the unlimited map size
First off, if you compiled hedgewars with SDL 1.2, there's an annoying limit of their image representation that restricts width to 16,384 pixels. SDL2 does not have this limitation.
Height can be much much taller. I don't remember what that is limited to at the moment, but I think 65,536.

There's also an issue in .18 w/ too large of maps and targetted weps tho, so best stick to 16,384 in both directions for this release.

Anyway, upshot is this map had to be wrapped since it was really long.
BTW, this map was designed for a reduced colour layout (which is why it looks kinda washed out), which hedgewars does not support, so updating it to full RGBA colour means it uses a *lot* of memory.
768MiB of RAM and ~194MiB of vRAM

If you set Blurry Land using Reduce Quality and the like, it'll use:
384MiB of RAM and ~49MiB of vRAM

It probably isn't worth supporting indexed colours tho.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

nemo's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 1861

I discovered recently that shoppa people were totally unaware of the relaxed constraints on maps, so I repackaged this admittedly ugly (due to 256 colours origin) map and put it on DLC. I also tweaked it slightly.

Sparkles managed 8¾ minutes. info on the changes to map.png and mask.png

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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