[Map] SnowWarMUX_v2

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Wuzzy's picture
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Here's the map “SnowWarMUX_v2”. As the name suggests, this map comes from WarMUX.

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WarMUX maps conversion project
This map is part of the WarMUX maps conversion project. The map is taken from WarMUX and has been polished to work well in Hedgewars, too. The original map authors are WarMUX user yeKcim <yekcim@crocobox.org>, Lami and Jean Victor Balin.

Technical stuff
Versions prior to 1 had it’s version number appended to the name. This stopped beginning from version 1.
Theme and map are based on the map “Snow” of the game WarMUX.

1 → 2: Theme removed; Map now uses built-in Snow theme; map renamed; add mask
0.2 → 1: PNG files compressed, removed version number from name
0.1 → 0.2: Map now uses a mask

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nemo's picture
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Please use a version number with theme/map names. Thanks.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

Wuzzy's picture
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Version 2 of the map has been released!

- The name has been changed to “SnowWarMUX_v2”.
- The theme has been removed because it sucked.
- The map now uses the built-in Snow theme by default, it is much better that way.
- The map now uses a mask. The land objects don't have a background anymore, only the landmass does

I consider this map to be finished. Have fun!

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UltiMaxKom's picture
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Doesn't the WarMUX Developers permit these :???

Though if even (if it is) that WarMUX is already a dead project (dunno for sure ;/ )

But Anyway !
It's a cool work, cool conversion though Big Grin


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Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 37 weeks 3 days ago. Offline
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Doesn't the WarMUX Developers permit these :???

It is permitted.

WarMUX is free software and released under the GNU GPLv2, the same license applies for its maps.
See here:

Therefore, ALL maps and themes which are part of the WarMUX map conversion project are released under the same license.

I have updated the main thread accordingly.

Edit: Actually, it's GNU GPLv2 or later, according to its project page.

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