Voicepack request

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Noob.com_123-321's picture
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I request a Voicepack. That VoicePack Is Advertising. I don't have a microphone AND text to speech programs only use WAV. Can someone do this for me? Sad Smiley

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No. If you want it that badly you'll have to find a way to do it yourself.

sphrix's picture
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sometimes request are read by good people, that can do it, but its hard to find someone that can and have time to

you mean advertising, like the man at cinemas that speak while the trailer ? ( voice heavy ?)

maybe you can do it yourself, you need a micro yes, but just to try you may have a earphone ? or an audio headset, that obviously can do micro? you could try to put it in the micro jack of your pc,
then record etc....
other indication are here : http://hedgewars.org/node/2726

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Noob.com_123-321's picture
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sphrix allegedly wrote:

sometimes request are read by good people, that can do it, but its hard to find someone that can and have time to

you mean advertising, like the man at cinemas that speak while the trailer ? ( voice heavy ?)

maybe you can do it yourself, you need a micro yes, but just to try you may have a earphone ? or an audio headset, that obviously can do micro? you could try to put it in the micro jack of your pc,
then record etc....
other indication are here : http://hedgewars.org/node/2726

*Worms Reloaded copyright team17 all rights reserved this is fair use.

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Noob.com_123-321's picture
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sphrix allegedly wrote:

maybe you can do it yourself, you need a micro yes, but just to try you may have a earphone ? or an audio headset, that obviously can do micro? you could try to put it in the micro jack of your pc,
then record etc....
other indication are here : http://hedgewars.org/node/2726

No! I don't have any of those!!!

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Wuzzy's picture
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Noob.com_123-321 allegedly wrote:

Could you please describe that voicepack in detail please? Especially following things are important:
  • A list of suggested spoken texts
  • How the voice should roughly sound like
  • Is the voice high-pichted or low-pitched?
  • Fast or slow speech?
  • Loud or quiet?
Reason: Some or even most players here never touched Worms Reloaded (including me), we simply don’t know what you are talking about.

PS: If you are refering to my post on synthesized speech: The software I suggested is free software (like Hedgewars) and you can download it freely from the Internet. Saying “I do not have TTS software” is therefore a lame excuse. Wink Smiley

PPS: OOOOOH, I misunderstood you, you said something different. You meant that the TTS software only creates WAVE files, not Ogg Vorbis files. Well, that is no problem, you just have to use a program that converts WAVE (.wav) files to Ogg Vorbis (.oga or .ogg) files. Such a program is called “encoder”. On http://www.vorbis.com/ you can download such an encoder. If you land on this website, first choose your platform and on the next page choose one of the programs in the “Encoding” section.
So the basic idea is simply to use the speech synthesis program to create the WAVE file and then use an encoder to convert the WAVE file to an Ogg Vorbis file.

However, real voice acting is of course better than speech synthesis.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

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User offline. Last seen 11 years 42 weeks ago. Offline
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