Blinking Objects

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i might be alone with that issue because i doubt no one else with my Card is playing that game.

But when i play Hedgewars on my AMD HD7850 (playing on Win7 x64) it seems like sometimes some strange Objects blink/pop up on the map. I already played Hedgewars some years ago (different Graphics card back there) and i can't remember having such an issue. So it might be related to the Drivers or the Card itself.
Btw. it also seems to be related about the screen position. If i notice smth popping up and don't move the screen away from that position sometimes it seems like it (whatever it is) will pop up again. If i move the screen it'S gone.

it's not like it's unplayable it just happens totaly random. Im already on the newest Beta Driver but the Issue seems to occur on the latest WHQL drivers too. I also play some GPU-Intense Games like Battlefield 3 and don't have issues in that games.

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Most common rendering problem we've had under windows is failure to create textures.

Try resizing the game window or switching from fullscreen to windowed and back. That forces texture recreation on Windows which might fix, maybe.

Hedgewars is a cross-platform OpenGL game, and Microsoft has been trying to kill off OpenGL for years, so comparison to other Windows games isn't really relevent.

There's another forum thread where someone reported reverting to their old driver fixed things after a Windows upgrade. You could also see if there's a driver on the card manufacturer's website with better OpenGL support.

Note that Hedgewars isn't really doing anything terribly sophisticated OpenGL-wise. Is using GLES11 so for example, worked even in 1st generation iPhones.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

User offline. Last seen 3 years 51 weeks ago. Offline
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i just realised that it's realated to "snow" and such things. Maps without that doesn't seem to have that issue.

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cutepie allegedly wrote:

i just realised that it's realated to "snow" and such things. Maps without that doesn't seem to have that issue.

Snow map out of necessity does repeated texture updates. It is certainly possible that is buggy for you.

If in a given game tick, 3 snowflakes touched 3 different areas of the map, that will recreate 3 separate 128x128 chunks of the terrain.

This doesn't really change my comments WRT drivers and such tho.

Perhaps it is related to the number of textures? Try on the "small mountain" small generated land. Do you see the issue there?

How about if you set Reduce Quality to max which should cut way down on the number of textures (really I want to just enable blurry land, but unfortunately we just have a slider, so just set the slider to max)?

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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nemo allegedly wrote:

cutepie allegedly wrote:

i just realised that it's realated to "snow" and such things. Maps without that doesn't seem to have that issue.

Snow map out of necessity does repeated texture updates. It is certainly possible that is buggy for you.

If in a given game tick, 3 snowflakes touched 3 different areas of the map, that will recreate 3 separate 128x128 chunks of the terrain.

This doesn't really change my comments WRT drivers and such tho.

Perhaps it is related to the number of textures? Try on the "small mountain" small generated land. Do you see the issue there?

How about if you set Reduce Quality to max which should cut way down on the number of textures (really I want to just enable blurry land, but unfortunately we just have a slider, so just set the slider to max)?

I dont exactly know which map you're talking about. But it happens quite often on the map "island". It kinda looks like a focos thing. But switching around the window doesn't make a difference. It still happens randomly while playing. I already wrote AMD about that but i guess they won't care to much about.
That is making me sad, since i love hedgewars :/

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User offline. Last seen 9 weeks 9 hours ago. Offline
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cutepie allegedly wrote:

nemo allegedly wrote:

cutepie allegedly wrote:

i just realised that it's realated to "snow" and such things. Maps without that doesn't seem to have that issue.

Snow map out of necessity does repeated texture updates. It is certainly possible that is buggy for you.

If in a given game tick, 3 snowflakes touched 3 different areas of the map, that will recreate 3 separate 128x128 chunks of the terrain.

This doesn't really change my comments WRT drivers and such tho.

Perhaps it is related to the number of textures? Try on the "small mountain" small generated land. Do you see the issue there?

How about if you set Reduce Quality to max which should cut way down on the number of textures (really I want to just enable blurry land, but unfortunately we just have a slider, so just set the slider to max)?

I dont exactly know which map you're talking about. But it happens quite often on the map "island". It kinda looks like a focos thing. But switching around the window doesn't make a difference. It still happens randomly while playing. I already wrote AMD about that but i guess they won't care to much about.
That is making me sad, since i love hedgewars :/

Try setting "optimise for speed" in Windows control panel. Can't hurt - at least in older versions of Windows that disabled compositing which does sometimes help w/ sucky drivers/hardware.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

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