Cheat Codes

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Noob.com_123-321's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
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Here are 10 Cheat Codes To Start
1. WORMS: Turns Hedgehogs Into Worms
2. Hedgewars: Reverses the effect of WORMS
3. Classic: Makes The Hedgehogs Look Classic (Type It Again To Make EVERYTHING ELSE Look Classic Too.)
4. Modern: Reverses The effects of Classic
5. Ossett: Replaces Hedgewars' Hell With Worms 1995's Hell.
6. Anti-Ossett: Reverses the effect of OSSETT
7. What's Up, Doc?: Replaces The Hedgehogs With Bunnies.
8. It looks like you're trying to write a letter: Reverses The Effects of "What's up, Doc?"
9. Unlock Everything: Unlocks The Reserved Hats
10. Lock Everything: Undoes The Effect of Unlock Everything.

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Wuzzy's picture
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Why do I believe you are trying to fool us?

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

Noob.com_123-321's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
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Because ye cheat codes are not here, scurvy dog!
Here's yer punishment!
Pee? Aghh

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Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 36 weeks 1 hour ago. Offline
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Arrrrrrr! Wuzzy not a scurvy dog! Wuzzy just a Wuzzy.

If ye arrre looking for som real “cheat” codes, peek over there:
chat commands

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

Koda's picture
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* troll detected *

Noob.com_123-321's picture
User offline. Last seen 11 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
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Here's Batch 2!
11. Troll: Adds the troll-face hat to every hat-less hedgehog
12. Homework (usable only in-game): Functions like W:A's AFK command.
13. ComicSans: Changes every text's font to comic sans (great for fun)
14. Banned (only usable online; and only usable if you're admin or owner): Bans a random opponent from the server
15. You'reWinner: Replaces win text on story mode with "You're winner!"
16. You'reLoser: Reverses the effects of You'reWinner
17. NoMoreHey!: Mutes all messages with "Hey"
18. NoMoreNoMoreHey!: Reverses the effects of NoMoreHey!
19. InternetKillswitch: Saves everything, then Crashes The Game
20. ACTA: bans you from the official server for 5 minutes

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User offline. Last seen 7 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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how to apply chat while playing this game please

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