Rope Behavior in 0.9.18- question for Shoppers

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Hey guys,

I'd like to ask our little community of shoppers, now that we've had some time to play the new version:

How do you feel about the changes that were made to rope behavior in v. 0.9.18?

I know that the changes were primarily caused by a code tweak that called the rope far less, freeing up cpu on slower computers and allowing the rope code to transfer better over to mobile.

This change had several behavioral ramifications on the rope, causing lots of unintended "features" and sort of changing the way shoppa is played.

I personally feel like a rendering fix shouldn't have to cause physics bugs, in a perfect world.
So here is a question for the volunteer developers on the project: Would it be possible to restore prior behavior whilst maintaining the new lean rope code?
Or would it be possible to simply use different engine code for the mobile and the pc version?

Maybe i'm too used to it, but man shoppa isn't very fun to play anymore, and i've noticed a lot fewer shoppa players online since the changes.

What does the community think?

All the best-

sphrix's picture
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hi !!

the bug that make you stop when you try a slide with perpendicular rope is very annoying, but once you get used and have a little angle before slide its ok, sometime i still do the 'fault' and get stopped, if it can ve fixed it s cool, if not, we can get used to this

an other bug is that sometimes, you want to do a move but a bug always bring you back to the begin of your move until you change move or release rope... this one is very bad !

i 'll try to make little video to show cause my english is sometimes bad

a demo of the bug i'm talking about (video)

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sphrix allegedly wrote:

an other bug is that sometimes, you want to do a move but a bug always bring you back to the begin of your move until you change move or release rope... this one is very bad !

bug which causes you to jump back, unc0rr fixed in .19

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mikade's picture
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Hey guys.

Another "bug" / behavior change due to the new rope code is that sometimes you experience an extreme speed boost. Usually this happens when you are changing direction while moving in a semi-circle, but it is still hard to predict and causes a lot of fails / wastes valuable turn time.

A form of wall-sticking, which least part of the development team seemed very against, is also back in the game due to changes.

I personally haven't played a lot of "Attack-From-Rope", but from speaking to other shoppa players I believe the resulting physics of weapons being dropped from rope have also been substantially altered.

Overall, I still enjoy playing shoppa, but I do feel that the movement of rope is a lot less easy to predict now. As sphrix said, you can adjust to the perpendicular hop with a bit of effort, although it does mean boosting a slide efficiently is nearly impossible, and that sometimes your hog gets stuck in the ground instead of sliding/hopping.

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mikade, demo w/ the speed boost thing would be appreciated.
and as for stuff dropped from rope. yeah, everything dropped from rope now inherits momentum instead of just certain items.

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sphrix's picture
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i got a small video of this bug, it is not the most demonstratif of this bug, here you can think i wanted to make my rope longer but i think not. (at the 12second)

and the demo, it is the same file that i poster earlier, but here is the .demo, this bug is at 3:09 min

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sphrix allegedly wrote:

i got a small video of this bug, it is not the most demonstratif of this bug, here you can think i wanted to make my rope longer but i think not. (at the 12second)

and the demo, it is the same file that i poster earlier, but here is the .demo, this bug is at 3:09 min

As noted, unc0rr already fixed the one you mentioned.
changeset: 8365:5b273af3ac95
user: unc0rr
date: Fri Jan 18 00:41:26 2013 +0400
summary: Don't use same hwFloat variable at both left and right sides of assignment (inlining bug?)

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i posted about mikade bug, and i reproduce the bug again
at the very end of the game, the two last round

i think i understand why
its like if my speed when i fall is conserved and given back to my move when i start to go up
(francais : c'est comme si ma vitesse de descente était reproduite quand je commence à remonter après avoir fait la moitié d'un tour du cercle (enfin quand je remonte, j'ai essayé le meme mouvement avec une vitesse plus lente, rien ne s'est passé.)

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Radissthor's picture
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Completely agree with Sphrinx. I couldn't name all the bugs/changes that have been made to rope behavior, because, precisely because of that, I am not playing much Shoppa anymore. But the few times I have played, the Shoppa fluency that made the mode so enjoyable is definitely gone. I think it would be much appreciated if rope behavior can go back as it was before, not only for old players like us, but also for future generations :P


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Made a small tweak to rope in .19. Would appreciate someone trying a dev build.
Also try rope at horizontal against another hog plz.

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sphrix's picture
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tell me the commmand line
is this :
mkdir -p ~/games ~/hg/hedgewars/
cd ~/hg/hedgewars
hg clone -v trunk

note : i have the pre requires already

the beachs hogs surfin hedgewars

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sphrix allegedly wrote:

tell me the commmand line
is this :
mkdir -p ~/games ~/hg/hedgewars/
cd ~/hg/hedgewars
hg clone -v trunk

note : i have the pre requires already

Everything under Building Process

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