Mission : Reaching V1 in DLC

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sphrix's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
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New mission in the DLC
Called Reaching V1 , just because you have to reach the other side of the map
but not so easy, you will have to use your mind, and your skills

you begin here :

then you go there :

and finally last step, after skills test, now its your mind that is tested

have fun, tell the best time here

oh, and if you find a bug or something to say, tell it too

the beachs hogs surfin hedgewars

mikade's picture
User offline. Last seen 1 year 5 weeks ago. Offline
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Some nice ideas, although I was still able to subvert your intended solution. My biggest criticism of this mission is the fact that certain masked areas on the map aren't visibly different from the non-masked ones.

Anywho, missions are fun. Ye should make more.

Hedgewars Developer

Wuzzy's picture
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I share the criticism with mikade, I was surprised to find an indestructable wall. >_>
The map design clearly needs a graphical update.

I didn’t manage to solve this mission so far, I will write again if I have done so. Therefore no comment on the gameplay for now.

Oh, and I created a preview image for the mission.

I just don’t like it when missions don’t have a preview image, so I created one. Smile

You have to save the image as $YOURHEDGEWARSFOLDER/Data/Graphics/Missions/Training/Reaching_V1@2x.png.

Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer. Smile

sphrix's picture
User offline. Last seen 4 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 207

ok thanks for comment
yeah i knew the graphism was not superperfect, i'll upload a better version someday,
thx for the image, i know where to save it Wink Smiley but i didn't do it, so i'll use your (yours? ) Wink Smiley

about mikade comment, yeah i know the solution is not very hard, cause the main objectiv is player capacity/skills and knowledge of ammo, not a mind-puzzle, cause i couldn't imagine one

thanks for comments, and happy you like it

the beachs hogs surfin hedgewars

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