[Map with custom Theme] Bazoogle Search - Updated!

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Cairo's picture
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Map and Theme download: here!

It looks something like this:

Now updated for Sudden Death, and removed excess references to Google.

Feel free to pass out comment/critize.

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Star and Moon
Star and Moon's picture
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Nice! I'd like to see this theme be applicable to generated maps, would be neat. Big Grin

EDIT: Still says google in several places, like the bottom right corner. Better fix it.

Wuzzy's picture
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There are serveral issues with the map/theme:

  • Dito.
  • The map/theme got several file names wrongly capitalized. The theme/map won’t work on unixy operating systems like GNU/Linux. These files would have to be renamed:
    • sky.pngSky.png
    • in theme.cfg: city.oggCity.ogg
    • flake.pngFlake.png
    • clouds.pngClouds.png
  • If you scroll high enough on the map, you see a blue background instead of a white one. This is easy to fix: Because your background is basicly just one color, you can safely delete horizont.png and Sky.png and then you just have to set the sky variable in theme.cfg to 255, 255, 255.
I’ll probably upload an updated version of this map/theme soon which fixes all the minor glitches.

Here are my general comments:

  • I don’t know if I actually like or hate the Sea Of Documents. I get the idea, but just some straight line are probably too simplistic? Otherwise, the entire map is simplistic so I really do not know what to say here.
  • It would be nice if the theme has custom graphics for sudden death mode. The default sudden death graphics simply destroy the entire theme for now, for instance, the Sea Of Documents turns to purple water. Sleepy Smiley

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Cairo's picture
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Oops! Fixing everything now.

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Cairo's picture
User offline. Last seen 1 year 16 weeks ago. Offline
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A fixed version has been uploaded, btw.

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