Script - Globalism!

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Vatten's picture
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Note: this script is in "alpha-stage", and is not recommended for "stable" usage.


Weapons to the Hedgehogs! Own weapons to the Hedgehogs! We are strong without a Room-admin controlling what we will start with! Noble Hedgehogs shall control its own faith! Down with the traitors! We will prevail!


Fight with your weapons of choice!
This script will allow you to create up to 16 weaponsets with an "own weapon" (depending on hogs in the game, 4 hogs = 8 weaponsets). You can select between all weapons, and add the ammount of each weapon after your own taste, note that each weapon costs a certain ammount of 'cash', so unlimited ballguns are impossible. (This mode is open source and I wont rob you.) You can so far (1.0a) only make a somewhat customized circle or a bazooka. More weapons will popup in the next version.

Some screenshots:
- the weaponselection
- customizing own weapon


This 'mode' can be played with only the script, but i guess its a bit boring to play with the default weapons only, so i recommend you to get the Store as well. Its in the store where you customize your weapons!


More info here


- Cant save the team if the OS-username contains non ASCII chars.

Have fun Smile

btw, i have two eyes and its hard to balance this mode alone, any sort of globalism-balance-thoughts is appreciated.

Vattenania, my beloved motherland, my beloved homeland! You are always with me in my thoughts and in my heart!

glum reaper
glum reaper's picture
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Maybe I missed something but the weapons I selected don't seem to show up, online or offline.

Edit: I fixed it, the problem was user error.

Proud member of Death's Angels for 3 billion years.

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I tried to make a team but I have one problem. I chose (different) weapons for the first three hedgehogs, but they all got the weapons I chose for Hedgehog 1. What did I do wrong?
Shocking Hellish Hand Grenade

glum reaper
glum reaper's picture
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Schoddie allegedly wrote:

I tried to make a team but I have one problem. I chose (different) weapons for the first three hedgehogs, but they all got the weapons I chose for Hedgehog 1. What did I do wrong?
Shocking Hellish Hand Grenade

You can only choose weapon sets for your team as whole at the moment. Press TAB to cycle between sets at the beginning of a game.

Proud member of Death's Angels for 3 billion years.

h3oCharles's picture
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Me be impressed, sir. Shocking

One of the things i saw is that one of the teams in-game is not Globalism, there's an error, which is harmless, line 424 is trying to compare a number with nil.

Another thing I saw is that when you choose a circle with mine place on each hog, it doesn't trigger on same turn. Adding retreat time to circle weapon and NOT changing Delay value should fix it

I have some ideas for custom weapons. Those will be grenade, transport utility, a gun (shotgun, desert eagle, sniper rifle), melee weapon (whip, fire punch), passives (flight, re-spawn, swap flames to clusters on their turn?), airstrike (firing watermelons?), rc place firing different things (firing hellish bombs?), dynamite/mine swapped for something different like a nade (anyone wanna throw a close-range nade more closer?), Ball gun firing different things (maybe randomly?), and that's it.

EDIT1: Another thing I though about is how you select arsenals. You know how in continental you choose a weapon to choose an arsenal? Take that and let the user select an icon for each weapon set that's NOT repeating, and in-game, that icon will be displayed in first turn

Maybe add a description for an arsenal or what custom weapon does?

One of the things that WILL be needed, is crates with Custom Weapon. Maybe defined as Script Parameter as percentage?

oh hi

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Huh. When I first saw this, I thought this script would be about randomly generated planet maps (a circular map with circular gravity, way more than 36 hogs per map, possible more than 8 hogs a team and 6 teams a map, etc). That would have been an interesting idea...

h3oCharles's picture
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Danfun64 allegedly wrote:

Huh. When I first saw this, I thought this script would be about randomly generated planet maps (a circular map with circular gravity, way more than 36 hogs per map, possible more than 8 hogs a team and 6 teams a map, etc). That would have been an interesting idea...

That would be impossible. You cant do specific percentage gravity at specific coords.

oh hi

Vatten's picture
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KarBoy2314PL allegedly wrote:

One of the things i saw is that one of the teams in-game is not Globalism, there's an error, which is harmless, line 424 is trying to compare a number with nil.

that issue should be fixed in the git repo for globalism.

KarBoy2314PL allegedly wrote:

I have some ideas for custom weapons. Those will be grenade, transport utility, a gun (shotgun, desert eagle, sniper rifle), melee weapon (whip, fire punch), passives (flight, re-spawn, swap flames to clusters on their turn?), airstrike (firing watermelons?), rc place firing different things (firing hellish bombs?), dynamite/mine swapped for something different like a nade (anyone wanna throw a close-range nade more closer?), Ball gun firing different things (maybe randomly?), and that's it.

EDIT1: Another thing I though about is how you select arsenals. You know how in continental you choose a weapon to choose an arsenal? Take that and let the user select an icon for each weapon set that's NOT repeating, and in-game, that icon will be displayed in first turn

Maybe add a description for an arsenal or what custom weapon does?

One of the things that WILL be needed, is crates with Custom Weapon. Maybe defined as Script Parameter as percentage?

Some of your ideas can be found in the dev version.

I have had plenty of ideas for this script as well, such as airstrikes, buy weapons (similar to consumerism), etc etc...
However there is some major issues with this script/3rd party addon:
1. Each player need to install it (If everyone want to play it online).
2. Hard to support every operating system.
3. Its a 3rd party ''addon'' for a open-source game, isn't that silly? (Im not a Qt fan... If someone wants to put this into the game, then just pm me and i might be helpful)
4. Balancing issues.
5. Very complicated mode.

These points made me realize that its just very hard to get any further, so im barely updating this anymore. (Even if its my fav script :P)

Vattenania, my beloved motherland, my beloved homeland! You are always with me in my thoughts and in my heart!

h3oCharles's picture
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Vatten allegedly wrote:

KarBoy2314PL allegedly wrote:

One of the things i saw is that one of the teams in-game is not Globalism, there's an error, which is harmless, line 424 is trying to compare a number with nil.

that issue should be fixed in the git repo for globalism.

Nice! Now I can play with AI Big Grin

Vatten allegedly wrote:

KarBoy2314PL allegedly wrote:

I have some ideas for custom weapons. Those will be grenade, transport utility, a gun (shotgun, desert eagle, sniper rifle), melee weapon (whip, fire punch), passives (flight, re-spawn, swap flames to clusters on their turn?), airstrike (firing watermelons?), rc place firing different things (firing hellish bombs?), dynamite/mine swapped for something different like a nade (anyone wanna throw a close-range nade more closer?), Ball gun firing different things (maybe randomly?), and that's it.

EDIT1: Another thing I though about is how you select arsenals. You know how in continental you choose a weapon to choose an arsenal? Take that and let the user select an icon for each weapon set that's NOT repeating, and in-game, that icon will be displayed in first turn

Maybe add a description for an arsenal or what custom weapon does?

One of the things that WILL be needed, is crates with Custom Weapon. Maybe defined as Script Parameter as percentage?

Some of your ideas can be found in the dev version.

Nice! Anyone wanna an airstrike that fires watermelons? Big Grin

Vatten allegedly wrote:

I have had plenty of ideas for this script as well, such as airstrikes, buy weapons (similar to consumerism), etc etc...
However there is some major issues with this script/3rd party addon:
1. Each player need to install it (If everyone want to play it online).
2. Hard to support every operating system.
3. Its a 3rd party ''addon'' for a open-source game, isn't that silly? (Im not a Qt fan... If someone wants to put this into the game, then just pm me and i might be helpful)
4. Balancing issues.
5. Very complicated mode.

These points made me realize that its just very hard to get any further, so im barely updating this anymore. (Even if its my fav script :P)

That's what you got to deal with, mate ;P As they say, GL HF Big Grin

EDIT1: I have kind of an idea on how to balance things out, maybe. Try maybe calculating the power of each weapon, like in hellish bomb, amount of fire flames (keep in mind it's a "super weapon"), or i a watermelon - amount of melon slices and their explosion radius (its Timer). That will kinda get an idea of how to balance it out. Because an RC Plane firing mortars might be a bit too desctructive, unless you can fire only 1 projectile (which is possible by setting health on RC Plane)

LOL, found a webiste bug Big Grin Too bad it only appears on preview

oh hi

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