RC Plane Challenge—Major victory!
Wed, 2013-02-20 01:43
Warning: Massive bragging and ego-push ahead!
Did you already finish the RC Plane Mission? It is very simple to win: You have a map with 39 health crates and you got infinite planes. The objective is to collect or destroy all health crates.
It is impossible to win, so probably everyone should be able to win it.
The hard part is to do it with least planes as possible.
And guess what: I just finished the RC Plane Challenge with onle one plane! Yay!
Get the demo which proofs this here
What follows is a tactical map which I created to beforehand for planning. It got changed a lot since I created it. It is basicly an overview of how I solved and planned the mission.
Spoiler alert!
Don't read below this line if you don't want to be spoiled!
Tactical map with crate annotations only (635.4 KiB) (see below)
Tactical map with solution (478.0 KiB)
Tactical map legend
- green line under crate: "on the fly" collecting possible - crate can be collected by touching it with the plane and you won't have neccessarily sacrifice it
- purple line under crate: Crate can be collected with the hedgehog by walking
- red line above crate: Crate has to be destroyed with a bomb if one uses the plane
- blue number: Crate number, in the same order I collected the crates
- light blue circle around crate: Kamikaze commando - The only possibility to collect this crate is by touching it with the plane, but there is no chance to escape with the plane afterwards; you WILL crash without being able to collect another crate
Solution legend
- yellow path: Fly here with the plane (I didn't follow the planned path 100%, but you get the idea)
- magenta path: Walk here with the hedgehog
- dark yellow arrow: Drop a bomb here
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
Very good
I'm pretty sure that those oh-so-easy-to-grab crates are there intentionally, to see who can think outside the box.
And so, i respectfully crown you as the master pwner in the RC Challenge. Congratulations!
...but i still pwned you on the TS tournament :P
If you want to give that a try i'm always up for a TS challenge, see ya!
Always up for a The Specialists game, just ask me in Hedgewars.
Hahaha, not bad. I completed it on 2 planes when I made the map, but it looks like you have beaten that record. Congrats.
Now finish Ice Challenge.

Hedgewars Developer
What’s the Ice Challenge? Where do I get it and what’s the objective?
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
ice challenge is a mission, very diffilcult, i saw only 1 time the solution but never been able to finish it !!
i think you already have it in your missions, if not try a research on forum, and finally if still not, ask here so i (or someone else) will share it to you
edit : congratulation, i always use more than 40 plane to do it :p
Sensible sentence makes sense.

I swear I thought “impossible to lose” instead of “impossible to win” when I wrote this …
(insert smiley face banging its head to a wall till eternity here)
Hi, I am a Hedgewars developer.
One of the missions I ever made. Very difficult as sphrix mentioned. I tried it again quickly, but it seems to be impossible in this version. If I have time later I'll try make a new version.

Hedgewars Developer