Windows 8 Touch Support?

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MC DarkMaster
User offline. Last seen 9 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
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Hello Guys,

I have a simple Question. Is it possible to Play Hedgewars on Windows 8 with a Touchscreen?
I ask because I consider to buy one of These new Windows 8 Tablets with Atom Processors.
If anyone has already such a Tablet it would be also interessting if it runs with that Atom Clovertrail CPU.



nemo's picture
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There is touchscreen support for mobile hooked in, so Android/iOS. Although the released versions of Android/iOS don't have the latest touchscreen code.
The desktop hedgewars, which is all you would have available on Windows, would support touchscreen in the limited sense of it acting as a mouse. Sooo, a swipe would prooobably pan the camera semi-functionally.
And that's about it.

Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev

MC DarkMaster
User offline. Last seen 9 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 3

Ok thanks. Thats what I expected. Maybe in the future there will be more focus on this Feature.

If someone can test that if a hedgewars works with a 1.8 atom cpu, I am still interessted.^^

Inu's picture
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Yeah, Hedgewars used to run just fine with the first Intel Atom CPU it came out back in the days. So I imagine it still runs fine with the current generation of that CPU line.

MC DarkMaster
User offline. Last seen 9 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 3

That was a good hint. Smile Thanks

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