More ticker events

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Wuzzy's picture
User offline. Last seen 30 weeks 1 day ago. Offline
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I suggest that the ticker reports more events. Here are the events which should be reported by the ticker, too:

  • hog %1 gets sick
  • hog %1 gets cured from sickness
  • hog %1 was resurrected by hog %2
  • AI-controlled hog %1 was resurrected by game
  • hog %1 dies from its own kamikaze
  • hog %1 makes a time-travel
  • hog %1 returns from time-travel
  • hog %1 runs out of time
  • hog %1 killed 1 or more hogs in its turn (message appears after the turn; maybe the engine could use different messages for different numbers of killed hogs)
  • team %1 has been wiped out
  • hog %1, the king of team %2, dies of health loss (replaces normal death event)
  • hog %1, the king of team %2, drowns (replaces normal drown event)
  • hog %1, the king of team %2, dies in its own turn due to stupidity (replaces normal stupidity event)

"%1" and "%2" are replaced by the actual hog/team names of course.

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sheepluva's picture
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Good suggestion Smile

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