A forum games thread
Sun, 2013-03-03 15:03
Can you please add a forum games thread? It will be awesome!
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Can you please add a forum games thread? It will be awesome!
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Nobody on the forum has ever wanted a forums game thread, ever, except you.
Even if a forum games thread was made, hardly anyone would post in it, except you.
Not to be rude, but there are plenty of other forums out there that have active and fun forum games, it would be much easier to visit one of those instead of pestering admins to make you a forum games thread here.
Also, please don't post multiple threads on the same issue.
Nobody except me? Come on! This will be a REASON for new players to join and start posting!
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Anybody who joins a forum just because there are forum games are probably not worth having around.
OK, call it forum games AND flame wars!
This will not just be for forum games, but also for flame wars!
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Please don't create duplicate topics.
If you want to play forum games, use the off-topic section.

Hedgewars Developer
OK! Kill This Topic NOW!
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