Creeper Bomb

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Noob.com_123-321's picture
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This functions like the sheep, but looks like a creeper!

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sheepluva's picture
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Noob.com_123-321 allegedly wrote:

This functions like the sheep, but looks like a creeper!

Sheep? There is no sheep in hedgewars.
There has been some experimental work regarding a creeper weapon in the past. Not sure if it will ever make it into a release, however it would not work the same way as a sheep or any other weapon of that particular game that you seem to love to talk about.

PS: Your passion for that game is ok with me, but there really is no need to spam our forums about it :P

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rosenholz's picture
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Creeper could move more like a cakebomb (walking) but with a some twist. Maybe it could hide and attack next round or work more like a walking mine? You place it somewhere and it guards the area. Or you could even throw it a small distance to it's place.

When you go near enought or move a even a slightest bit it would attack and then explode on anyone. Then it would even work more like in Minecraft. You could have a small change to escape. When it gets near it's starts to shake and explodes after a second or two.

You could try to lure it to explode near enemy hogs.

--- Don't mind the pointy bit. ---

nemo's picture
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Yeah, that was the thought for creeper. Would behave similar to real creeper. It wouldn't go after nearest hog to make using it as a simple stick of dynamite harder. Instead, would pick random hog in a certain radius and chase it, walking and hopping. Maybe even prefer the active hog.
If it failed, it would sulk for a few seconds, then pick a random hog nearby and repeat.
You could still use it offensively w/ care ofc. Dropping it off a small cliff would probably be safest.

And yeah, could be used for guard duty or offense.

But. Isn't really even close to implemented.

Could be fun tho. Maybe as an initial map object too.

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rosenholz's picture
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Or you place a creeper egg. After a round or two it would hatch. Between it could be even exploded or be whacked with a bat and it would bounce and roll to a new location where it would hatch. And then start it's sentry duty.

--- Don't mind the pointy bit. ---

rosenholz's picture
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nemo allegedly wrote:

Yeah, that was the thought for creeper. Would behave similar to real creeper. It wouldn't go after nearest hog to make using it as a simple stick of dynamite harder. Instead, would pick random hog in a certain radius and chase it, walking and hopping.
If it failed, it would sulk for a few seconds, then pick a random hog nearby and repeat.
You could still use it offensively w/ care ofc. Dropping it off a small cliff would probably be safest.

Maybe if you could toss the creeper egg like a hand grenade but with a build in timer (turn or two) the user could not set. Then it would not be like dynamite and could even bite your own ass. There would be a hectic turn when everybody tries to get rid of the egg before it opens near them. And even after that it would not attack unprovoked e.g. movement. So everything is fine if you don't move cos' creeper hadn't noticed you. Or someone tosses or shoots you in a creeper watch zone and then it would attack.

Egg would of course be invulnerable and could only be drowned.

--- Don't mind the pointy bit. ---

Star and Moon
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A creeper would be interesting, and I can see it happening since most of us are minecraft fans.

A long time ago I was thinking about a gameplay mode that would have creepers roaming around the map, and they would try to chase and explode on moving hedgehogs, and could be knocked around with attacks, like a hedgehog knock a creeper into the enemy with a rope as it's about to explode.

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WRT egg. If the basic gear was up and functioning, extending it or adding a gear that spawns it, would be easy enough.

Same concept of indestructible delayed bad times is easy enough to apply for other things. A gift wrapped box w/ a melon inside for example. So, it might be worth having 2 gears.

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Noob.com_123-321's picture
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Creepers can be hostile (tries to kill all hogs) or nice (at least for the team that places it)

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Star and Moon
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The Creeper would be a cool addition to the game, maybe even a whole Minecraft mode that has different mobs from Minecraft, like Zombies, with random weapons.

Noob.com_123-321's picture
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OMG Creeperz!!!!!!!!!11111111111111!!!!!!11!!!11111!!11!!!11!1!!1!!!!1

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