Zombiz.fr : an online multiplayer game using navigator (chrome, firefox...)

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sphrix's picture
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i usually don't do pub, and thats why i post in off-topic,

i discovered a good game online, and wanted to share it with you, this game deserve to be know and played, until now there is not a lot of player, its a new game

its in french but you don't really need to understand french to play it
anyway here is a fast description for you :

its called Zombiz ! Team survival
you are on a map, alone or with other players, and there are wave of zombies coming, your goal : avoid them, survive, kill them all !
you got some weapon : from revolver to M16, including Uzi and some other.
you can get life pack or speed drink.


better description, http://www.siteduzero.com/forum/sujet/jeu-web-multijoueur-zombiz-team-survival
(in french)

as its a young game, its still in developpement, and coming one day (soon i hope) : other maps, and a RPG mode Wink Smiley

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sheepluva's picture
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Heh, interesting game.


  • Needed me to register (name, pass, email - no confirmation/validation needed). EDIT: I was told it's possible to play as visitor
  • Only ran well in Chrome, it was laggy like hell for me in Firefox.

Note for arachnophobics:

  • There are some (not very authentic looking) spider enemies starting with wave 9 or something. No idea what they have to do in that game, they don't seem to be zombi :p Maybe the devs just don't want arachnophobiacs as audience Shocking

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you liked it ?
whats your nick, if sometime we play together :p mine is still sphrix Wink Smiley

also, i'm not at all working on this project, just discovered it, so for suggestions it would be better there :zombiz.dev@gmail.com or the facebook/twitter of this game Wink Smiley

yeah spider, i don't know why but its sure that they are dangerous, lot of them coming suddenly, and there is also the spider-queen : more powerful and can call spider to help her, so its very hard... (wave : 14-15 : spider-queen; wave 16 : hundred of spider all of a sudden ! woooow )

the beachs hogs surfin hedgewars

sphrix's picture
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Double post Big Grin

the dev of zombiz saw this topic and send me an e-mail, he got some answer to your notes Wink Smiley
he first says that you don't have to register to play, you can play visitor, and that for now he don't have time to create a good mail system, maybe one day
about the spider, the inspiration was from harry potter :p maybe not the more appropriate but not too bad.

note : i translate approximativly what he send me in e-mail, its not peerfect but its the general meaning of what he said Wink Smiley

finally : 1 000 000 zombie killed in the game !
and a special event is coming with skins to win and a new map, some new zombie i think, the date should be the 4 may.

the beachs hogs surfin hedgewars

sheepluva's picture
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sphrix allegedly wrote:

Double post Big Grin

the dev of zombiz saw this topic and send me an e-mail, he got some answer to your notes Wink Smiley
he first says that you don't have to register to play, you can play visitor, and that for now he don't have time to create a good mail system, maybe one day
about the spider, the inspiration was from harry potter :p maybe not the more appropriate but not too bad.

Oh nice, best regards to that dev!
Thanks for the heads-up about playing as visitor (I don't understand french so I probably didn't see it) - I updated my earlier post so that it doesn't misinform people anymore Smile

Ah, Harry Potter, interesting Smile I liked those books - not the first thing to come to mind when thinking about Zombies indeed XD -- but I guess it counts as creativity to be inspired by something that is not obviously related to the genre/theme Wink Smiley

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Star and Moon
Star and Moon's picture
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This game looks interesting, but I'm kinda skeptical when it comes to spiders. Even minecraft spiders sometimes scare me :p.

sphrix's picture
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lot of new stuff since the first presentation i made :
2 new map to play
the game need less internet than before (before you needed a strong internet connection)

lot of stuff has been improved, i can't list them all, just try and enjoy :p

the beachs hogs surfin hedgewars

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