R.I.P. Noob.com_123-321 (01/02/2013-04/27/2013)
Sun, 2013-04-28 02:27
We gather here today to celebrate the loss of Hedgewars biggest contributors of useless ideas.
He was in many ways the reflection of our inner moron, a user so clueless that he honestly honestly thought he was doing us a favor by disregarding/blatantly violating forum rules to tell of his latest moronic thought process.
Many tried to improve his mind, but Noob was just that, a perpetual noob doomed to spew foolish ideas and ignore all reasoning.
He was lost to us today, a consequence of mistaking spambots for actual users and adjusting his behavior accordingly.
He won't be missed by many.
Leave your condolences/celebrations below.
Proud member of Death's Angels for 3 billion years.
And nothing of value was lost. RIP in peace.
Let's take a moment to remember some of the good times we shared together.
Hedgewars Developer
Noob reminded me of myself when I was young, except for the fact that I learned to be better.
Also, mikade, you forgot everyone's favorite moment:
I feel I should post something here, since I set the account to blocked.
Overall, while I didn't find the SNR particularly high, I figured Noob was just an enthusiastic kid.
While the multiple blatant fauxspam posts pushed it over the edge for me, I had been previously tempted by the racist post, and other posts that had needed unpublishing.
I assume his enthusiasm was genuine, and I hope there is some future incarnation w/ more positive contributions.
Oh, what the heck. 1PLXzL1CBUD1kdEWqMrwNUfGrGiirV1WpH <= tip a hedgewars dev
I find the possibility that Noob might be helpful to be rather remote. I did some research on him, Noob has managed to get himself banned from an assorted 6 forums, none of which changed his behavior in the slightest.
Considering he actually is rather articulate outside of forums and knows some amount of programming I find it more likely that his behavior is intentionally irritating. However, I would love for him to prove me wrong, we always could use more active forum users.
Proud member of Death's Angels for 3 billion years.
Funny, I only play hw because its not worms. And it's free.
{} {}
\___/ - Happy
This is my new account. I AM noob.com_123-321.
(Account blocked from further forum access due to reoccurring abuse and misbehavior)
I could have never guessed.
Proud member of Death's Angels for 3 billion years.